The Arab-Israeli conflict — opposition between a number of the Arab countries, and also the Arab militarized radical groups supported by part of the indigenous Arab people of under control Palestinian territories (occupied) by Israel, on the one hand, and Zionist movement, and then and the State of Israel, with another. Though the State of Israel was created only in 1948, actually the history of the conflict covers about a century, since the end of the XIX century when the political Zionist movement which has begun fight of Jews for own state was created.
After disintegration of the Ottoman Empire as a result of its defeat in World War I the conflict between Jewish Zionists and the Arab population of Palestine was reduced, mainly, to territorial claims of both parties to mandated Palestine. During a situation nakaleniye in the second quarter of the XX century to a geopolitical component were added takzhereligiozny and cultural, strengthening international discord. In 1948 the neighboring Arab countries declared war to again created Jewish state. Thus, the conflict went out of Palestine and developed into the conflict between Israel and all other Arab states in the region. With signing of the peace treaty with Egypt (in 1979) and with Jordan (in 1994) the number of the states hostile to Israel was reduced. Within the large-scale Arab-Israeli conflict it is accepted to allocate the regional Palestinian-Israeli conflict caused, first of all, by collision of territorial interests of Jews and Arabs, living in Palestine. In recent years this conflict is a source of a political tension and open armed
conflicts in region
employment - employable, retirement
ambition - unambitious, ambitiously
to secure - secure, securely
strong - strength, strenghten
proof - provable, theory
to train - trainable
qualification - to qualify, qualificative, disqualification
defenceless - to defend, defendable
to entertain - entertainable
science - art, scientifically
remarkable - to remark, unremarkable
to vary - to unvary
to enjoy - enjoyable, to dislike
broadly - broadness, to broaden, broad, narrowly
neighbour - neighborly
to respond - to ask
honest - honesty
help - to help, to harm, helpfully
decoration - decorative
confidently - confidence, confident, to confide, uncertainly
applicant - to apply
harm - to harm, to help, harmfully (harmlessly)
bright - brightness, to brighten
tolerant - to tolerate, intolerant, tolerably
to rely - reliable, reliability
to lead - leading, leaderly
high - highness, to heighten, low
dream - to dream, dreamless, reality
play - playful, work
profession - to profess, avocation, professionally
particular - particle, to impart, imprecise
nation - to nationalize, foreign, nationally
popular - popularization, popularly
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