My hobby is to collect electronic cars, every month, I take photos of my new cars, and put all the photos to my album. I really like this hobby, because it sets me up to manage my money properly. So that I save up for a month on a typewriter, and then buy them, as well, I like it because sometimes I buy radio-controlled cars, and you can have a lot of fun with them
Моё хобби это коллекционирование машинок, каждый месяц я фотографирую свои новые машинки, и кладу все мои фотографии в альбом. Я действительно люблю это хобби, потому что оно настраивает меня на то, чтобы правильно распоряжаться деньгами. Чтобы я месяц копил на машинку, а потом их купил, так же, оно мне нравится тем, что иногда я покупаю радиоуправляемые машинки, и с ними можно очень весело провести время
1. Is Sam playing music? - Yes, he is. He is really good at music.
2. Are Liz and Steve taking pictures? - No, they aren't. They are drawing people.
3. Is Sue Dancing? - No, he isn't. He is singing.
4. Is Sam throwing steamers? - Yes, he is. He is having so much fun!
5. Are the musicians performing tricks? - No, they aren't. They don't know how to do tricks.
6. Are the clowns holding ballons? - Yes, they are. They are giving the ballons to kids.
7. Are Tony and Mary drinking coke? -Yes, they are. They relly like it.
put on
take off, put on
3 адание