0. Her car was driving (drive) through a tunnel in Paris when it crashed (crash).
1. It was sailing (sail) across the Atlantic Ocean when it hit (hit) an iceberg.
2. People were dancing (dance) in the streets after they heard (hear) he was finally free.
3. The world was watching (watch) on TV when Neil Armstrong stepped (step) on the Moon.
4. The crowds were waving (wave) at the president when they heard (hear) the gunfire.
5. While people in the neighbouring town of Pripyat were sleeping (sleep), a nuclear reactor exploded (explode).
6. While Amelia Earhart was working (work) one day, Captain Railey asked (ask) her to fly to the UK from America.
I have a lot of frinds but my best friend`s name is (Alisa). She is very beautiful girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She also has plump lips and small nose witch looks very nice. She is very open-minded and kind to other people. She is the one who can help you whenever you need it. The most amazing thing about her is that she is always touched with other people stories and worries.
U menja mnogo druzei no moju ludshiju podrugu zovut (alisa). Ona ochen krasivaja devochka s dlinnqmi svetlqmi volosami i golubqmi glazami. u nejo takzhe bolshie gubq i malenkij nos, chto vqgledit ochen milo. Ona ochen otkrqtqj i dobrqj chelovek. Ona imenno tot chelovek kotorqj pomozhet vovsem. Samoe horoshoe v nej to chto ona ochen tronuta istorijami i bedami drugih ljudei.
1. b) toes
2. а) hands
3. c) fit
4. b) reliable
5. b) turned up
6. c) thick