1 На стене зелёная доска.
There is a green board on the wall.
Is there a green board on the wall?
There isn't a green board on the wall.
2 На кухне два окна.
There are two windows in the kitchen.
Are there two windows in the kitchen?
There aren't two windows in the kitchen.
3 Рядом с партой книжный шкаф.
There is a bookcase next to the desk.
Is there a bookcase next to the desk?
There isn't a bookcase next to the desk.
4 На озере лёд.
There is ice on the lake.
Is there ice on the lake?
There isn't ice on the lake.
5 На подоконнике несколько растений.
There are several plants on the windowsill.
Are there any plants on the windowsill?
There aren't any plants on the windowsill.
1 Чтобы задать вопрос к предложению с конструкцией There is/ there are надо глагол is или are поставить перед подлежащим there.
2 Чтобы предложение с конструкцией There is/ there are поставить в отрицательную форму надо к глаголам is или are добавить отрицательную частицу not.
1) As soon as I saw him, I understood that he was working hard. He was writing something and did not notice anything.
2) When I came home yesterday, the children were running and singing merrily. "We have learnt a new song!" they cried.
3) When the young man entered the room, she looked at him in surprise. "What do you want to tell me? She said. Why have you come?
4) It was raining hard when I left home yesterday, so I returned, put on my raincoat and started again.
5) Has your brother returned from the north? -Yes, he came a few days ago.
6) Have you been to the Crimea? When were you there? - I was there in 1993.
7) Where is your brother?- He has just come home. He is taking a shower in the bathroom now.
надеюсь но не точно что это верно