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This text deals w ith...
1. toy facts
2. what makes people closer
3. travelling
4. anim al world
5. beauty from nature
6. thousands in one
A. A memory card is a form o f flash memory that is used in a range o f electronic
devices such as a digital camera or video game console. The memory card
stores data, images, music, saved games or other computer files. Flash memory
devices like this contain no moving parts so they are not easily damaged. This
means that they are ideal for use in portable devices such as MP3 players,
digital cameras, mobile phones etc. With a memory card you can keep many
hundreds or even thousands o f images in your computer.
B. There are many stories about how the Teddy Bear got its name. It may be
a myth but the teddy bear is said to be named after Theodore Roosevelt,
a hunter who disliked being called “Teddy”. Roosevelt was the 26th and
youngest President o f the United States. He was president from 1901-1909.
Friends o f the president gave him the nickname “Teddy”.
C. Pearls are made o f a kind o f material made by mollusks, like oysters. Pearls
are small and often white but som etim es in pale colors or even black. They
are often round, but sometimes half-round, oval, or in different shapes. Pearls
are very beautiful and they are often used for jewellery. There are two kinds
o f pearls: saltwater pearls and freshwater pearls. Saltwater pearls come from
oysters that live in the oceans. Freshwater pearls are found in mussels that
live in rivers, lakes, or ponds.
D. A webcam is a video camera that connects to a computer, and can let people
see each other over the Internet. This is a great chance for people who live
very far from each other to stay friends. M ost people that have webcams use
them with an instant messenger to see each other at the same time. Webcams
can also be used for recording videos and video blogs. The webcam can be
part o f a computer, mobile phone or it can be an independent device. The
first webcam was developed in 1991 at Cambridge University and the first
commercial camera was made in 1994.
My favorite book - "Alice in Wonderland." This book is written by British author Lewis Carroll. Story tells how a little girl Alice is walking in the garden and sees a rabbit. She jumps behind him down the rabbit hole and into the magical world. There she meets many fairy-tale characters: the March Hare, Cheshire Cat, mad Hatter, and others. Appears in different situations and was surprised that everything is going wrong in our world. Alice goes to a mad tea party and a game of croquet. in the end, she wakes up and realizes that it was all a dream.