For me personally, health - is, above all, a good mood, well-being, self-confidence, a desire to enjoy every day. For each of us is the key to health success in life and a normal performance. It is important to continuously monitor the health of the organism.Unfortunately, in light of the very few people who can boast of excellent health. A lot of people suffer from pressure changes, and only some of them decided to apply for a medical examination and further treatment. Taking expensive tablets on the pressure, many think that it will normalize. Pharmacy shelves are filled by various drugs, which lower or raise blood pressure. A huge number of people suffering from allergic diseases. To date, there are many medications for allergies, most of which can be freely bought in pharmacies without a prescription. But, unfortunately, none of these drugs can not guarantee complete freedom from this disease. Health - is the most important value in life, do not buy it. Health can be saved by applying some effort. The health status of each of us depends on the lifestyle - daily habits, nutrition. Be healthy - that's what always sincerely wish all of you!
1. Molly goes to Mike every day and simply wonders at him. – Молли ходит к Майку каждый день и просто поражается ему. Science and technology play a key role in sustainable use of water. — Наука и техника играют ключевую роль в обеспечении рационального использования воды. Even Aunt Perl refuses to go out with me! – Даже тетушка Перл отказывается идти со мной! Thank God I still walk without help — Слава богу я еще сама хожу. The High Commissioner visits the region again and again. – Верховный комиссар посещает данный регион снова и снова. I plan to go on fighting.— Я буду продолжать бороться. Government plays a leadership role in developing crime prevention strategies. – Правительственные органы играют ведущую роль в разработке стратегий предупреждения преступности. Kate very rarely goes anywhere, in fact, and not simply from laziness. – Катя очень редко ходит куда-либо, и не от одной только лени. If we go back to our method, we can obtain a formula. Если мы вернемся к нашему методу, мы сможем получить формулу. The more Olga goes into it the more obscure the problem seems. – Чем дальше Ольга продвигается, тем запутанней кажется проблема.
Правило открытого и закрытого слогов влияет на произнесение гласных в английском языке:
Ударный слог называется открытым, если он оканчивается на гласную, после которой не следует согласная, или если он оканчивается на согласную, после которой следует очередная гласная. Например, me, tea, play или оканчивающийся на согласную, после которой следует гласная, как в словах place, truly, precise.
В открытом слоге ударные гласные a, e, u, i, oпроизносятся следующим образом:
a [ei] - place, may,play, take e [i:] - fee, me, tea, meter u [u:] - true, truly, plume u [ju:] - pure, fuel, due i [ai] - tie, nice, tiny o [əu] - bone, toe, go
Ударный слог называется закрытым, если он оканчивается на согласную, за которой не следует гласная. Например: pot, tip, pattern, doctor, but,sector. Все эти слова имеют закрытый слог, то есть слог, который оканчивается на согласную, как в словах: pot, tip, but; или за которой следует другая согласная, как в словах: pattern, doctor,sector.
В закрытом слоге ударные гласные a, e, u, i, oпроизносятся следующим образом:
a [æ] - bag, pattern, flag, exam e [e] - bed, message, met, pretend u [Λ] - but, must, button, disgust i [i] - insist, pin, tip, pistol o [ɔ] - bottle, prolong, box, lock
For me personally, health - is, above all, a good mood, well-being, self-confidence, a desire to enjoy every day. For each of us is the key to health success in life and a normal performance. It is important to continuously monitor the health of the organism.Unfortunately, in light of the very few people who can boast of excellent health.
A lot of people suffer from pressure changes, and only some of them decided to apply for a medical examination and further treatment. Taking expensive tablets on the pressure, many think that it will normalize. Pharmacy shelves are filled by various drugs, which lower or raise blood pressure.
A huge number of people suffering from allergic diseases. To date, there are many medications for allergies, most of which can be freely bought in pharmacies without a prescription. But, unfortunately, none of these drugs can not guarantee complete freedom from this disease.
Health - is the most important value in life, do not buy it. Health can be saved by applying some effort. The health status of each of us depends on the lifestyle - daily habits, nutrition. Be healthy - that's what always sincerely wish all of you!