4)Заполните пропуски артиклем a/an или the 1) shoe shop is next to Karen’s 2)I have watched Moon in the sky! 3)I’m very assiduous and zealous person 4)This is handy and usable earphone 5) sixth film of Harry Potter series.
Hazel: Yes. I am finishing a piece of homework for tomorrow. Why? What are you doing? Jeremy: Well, I am thinking about my homework, but I'm afraid I am not actually doing it at the moment. I'm tired and bored. Do you want to go out? Hazel: No. Look at the weather. It is raining. I never go out in the rain. By the way, do you know the new girl in our class, the one with glasses? I think she comes from Venezuela. Anyway, she is staying with Peter's family this month. Jeremy: Yes, I know. she is doing well at school, isn't she? Peter says she speaks three languages: Spanish, English and French. I don't speak any languages! Hazel: Tired, bored and stupid! Why would I want to go out with you, anyway?
1. The shoe shop is next to Karen's.
2. I have watched the Moon in the sky!
3. I'm a very assiduous and zealous person.
4. This is a handy and usable earphone.
5. The sixth film of Harry Potter series.