Mountain Poklonnaya - a flat hill in the West of Moscow, between the rivers Setun and Филька. Once the mountain Poklonnaya was far outside Moscow, and from its top the panorama of city opened. Travellers often stopped here to look at Moscow and to bow to it - from here there was also a name of mountain. The memorial complex which has settled down on 135 hectares, includes the Central museum of Great Domestic war, a monument of the Victory and three temples of three faiths constructed in memory of victims on war. The temple over George Pobedonostsa has been constructed in 1995, the Memorial mosque is erected in 1997, and the Memorial synagogue - in 1998.
(перевод Поклонная гора - пологий холм на западе Москвы, между реками Сетунь и Филька. Когда-то Поклонная гора находилась далеко за пределами Москвы, а с ее вершины открывалась панорама города. Путешественники часто останавливались здесь, чтобы взглянуть на Москву и поклониться ей - отсюда произошло и название горы. Мемориальный комплекс, расположившийся на 135 гектарах, включает в себя Центральный музей Великой Отечественной войны, монумент Победы и три храма трех конфессий, построенные в память о погибших на войне. Храм св. Георгия Победоносца был построен в 1995 году, Мемориальная мечеть возведена в 1997 году, а Мемориальная синагога - в 1998 году.)
Gunpowder was stored in an antiquity in 1-st Anonymous tower. At Ivan Groznom from explosion of gunpowder the tower has collapsed, and then has been restored. In 1770 it have disassembled to release a place for construction of the Kremlin palace. After the termination of construction of a palace the tower has been constructed anew in 1783 on a new place, is a little bit closer to Тайницкой to a tower. After that a tower простояла without changes almost 30 years. In 1812 the tower was blown up with receded French armies, but soon it was restored together with the Peter tower in former forms by architect O.I.Bove.
(перевод В древности в 1-ой Безымянной башне хранился порох. При Иване Грозном от взрыва пороха башня разрушилась, а затем была восстановлена. В 1770 г. ее разобрали, чтобы освободить место для постройки Кремлевского дворца. После прекращения строительства дворца башня была построена заново в 1783 г. на новом месте, несколько ближе к Тайницкой башне. После этого башня простояла без изменений почти 30 лет. В 1812 г. башню взорвали отступавшие французские войска, но вскоре ее восстановил вместе с Петровской башней в прежних формах архитектор О. И. Бове. )
People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and nationalities. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, bodybuilding, etc. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, football fields. Sport is paid much attention to in our educational establishments. Gymnastics is a part of children's daily activity in the kindergartens. Physical culture is a compulsory subject at schools and colleges.
1. A house was bought by a pop star.
2. Piano sonatas were played by S.Richter at the concert.
3. This beautiful music was composed by Mozart.
4. The band was called "Take That" by them.
5. They were helped to record their first single by somebody.