ПИСАННЯ. Завдання 2. Напишіть уривок 50-60 слів про ваш улюблений фільм, пояснивши, чому він вам подобається. Наступні запитання до вам організувати огляд. 1. Що це за фільм? 2. Хто в ній? 3. Де це відбувається? 4. Про що йдеться? 5. Чим це закінчується? 6.Що ви рекомендуєте? 1. Це 2. є в ньому. 3. Це відбувається в_ 4. Це приблизно 5. Зрештою 6. Я рекомендую. Використання англійської мови Перепишіть ці речення, ставлячи дієслова в пасиві. 1. Хтось розбив це дзеркало вчора ввечері. 2 Хтось миє рушники в готелі щодня. Рушники в готелі миють щодня. Це дзеркало було розбите вчора ввечері. 3 Хтось побудував будинок десять років тому. 4 Вони вирощують цей фрукт у дуже жарких країнах. 5 Хтось знайшов у річці велосипед Емілі. 6 Вони багато займаються спортом на пляжі. 7 Вони везли дітей додому.
1. It was very cold last week.
2. I met them at my friend's house
3. Did anyone call me while I was gone?
4. We didn't receive her answer yesterday
5. I sent letters to my friends yesterday
6. I didn't have time to do this job
7. I read this magazine yesterday
8. He didn't enjoy the film
9. Did he call you yesterday?
10. They spent the holidays in London
11. I visited grandma and grandpa the last week
12. I was talking to him yesterday
13. I fixed my car at sunday
14. Ann didn't go to school because she was sick
15. Why did she only tell this yesterday
16. She won the competition
17. We came back home late yesterday
18. We worked together for a few years
19. When did he went home?
20. We found a lot of interesting books at his library
21. She recalled his phone number
22. She didn't hear nothing
23. We sat and asked for a cup of coffee
24. Dad asked her to the post office an hour ago
25. Last week he fell and hurt his knee
Упражнение 1.
To go - had you gone?
to do - had you done?
to know - had you known?
to make - had you made?
to read - had you read?
to take - had you taken?
to study - had you studied?
to translate - had you translated?
to write - had you written?
Упражнение 2.
1. What had Mary written?
2. What hadn't we received from you of late?
3. Which holidays had we spent?
4. How many books had you read this year?
5. Where had you left your watch?
6. What hadn't Mary turned off?
7. What had my sister helped me with?