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Eurasia is the combined continental landmass of Europe and Asia,[1][2][3] with the term being a portmanteau of its two constituents. Located primarily in the Northern and Eastern Hemispheres, it is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean on the west, the Pacific Ocean to the east, the Arctic Ocean on the north, and by Africa, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Indian Ocean to the south.[4] The division between Europe and Asia as two different continents is a historical and cultural construct, with no clear physical separation between them; thus, in some parts of the world, Eurasia is considered the largest of five or six continents.[3]Eurasia covers around 52,990,000 square kilometres (20,460,000 sq mi), or around 36.2% of the Earth's total land area. The landmass contains around 4.6 billion people, equating to 72.5% of the human population. Humans first settled in Eurasia from Africa, between 60,000 and 125,000 years ago.[5][6] North America is a continent wholly within the Northern Hemisphere and almost wholly within the Western Hemisphere. It is also considered a northern subcontinent of theAmericas.[2] It is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the west and south by the Pacific Ocean, and to the southeast by South America and the Caribbean Sea.North America covers an area of about 24,709,000 square kilometers (9,540,000 square miles), about 4.8% of the planet's surface or about 16.5% of its land area. As of July 2008, its population was estimated at nearly 529 million people across 23 independent states, representing about 7.5% of the human population. Most of the continent's land area is dominated by Canada, the United States, and Mexico, while smaller states exist in theCentral American and Caribbean regions. North America is the third-largest continent by area, following Asia and Africa,[3] and the fourth by population after Asia, Africa, andEurope.[4] Australia i/əˈstreɪljə, ɒ-, -iə/,[10][11] officially the Commonwealth of Australia,[12] is a country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area. Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north; the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia to the north-east; and New Zealand to the south-east.For at least 40,000 years[13] before the first British settlement in the late 18th century,[14][15] Australia was inhabited by indigenous Australians,[16] who spoke languages grouped into roughly 250 language groups.[17][18] After the discovery of the continent by Dutch explorers in 1606, Australia's eastern half was claimed by Great Britain in 1770 and settled through penal transportation to the colony of New South Wales from 26 January 1788. The population grew steadily in subsequent decades; the continent was explored and an additional five self-governing Crown Colonies were established. Источник: Wikipedia
The koala is a familiar Australian symbol. Koalas have soft, wool-like grey fur. They have a large, round head with large, round, furry ears, a large nose and long strong limbs with sharp claws. The koala look like little bear, but the koala ‘bear’ is not a bear at all. Koala is a marsupial mammal. Eucalyptus trees are the primary habitat of Koalas and they are rarely observed anywhere else. Koalas are very fussy. Koalas eat only leaves and bark from eucalyptus trees. Koalas get a lot of moisture from eucalyptus leaves, so they don’t have to drink a lot of water, because in Aboriginal language, the word Koala is thought to mean "does not drink". Koalas vary in size and color depending on where they live in Australia. A baby Koala is called a joey. Joeys are only around 2 cm long when born and like most other marsupials, Koala mothers keep their joeys in their pouch for around 6 months. Koalas can live up to 10 years in the wild. Because of cutting down of eucalyptus forest in the 20th century population of koalas declined to such an extent that they were included in the endangered animals list. Коала символ Австралии. Коалы имеют мягкую шерсть, серый мех. У них большая, круглая голова с большими, круглыми, пушистыми ушами, большой нос и длинные сильные конечности с острыми когтями. Коала выглядит как медведь, но коала не медведь вовсе. Коала сумчатые млекопитающие. Эвкалиптовые деревья являются основным местом обитания коал, и они редко встречаются в другом месте. Коалы очень привередливы. Коалы едят только листья и кору с деревьев эвкалипта. Коалы получают много влаги из листьев эвкалипта, так что они не должны пить много воды, потому что в языке аборигенов, слово коала означает "не пьет". Коалы различаются по размеру и цвету в зависимости от того, где они живут в Австралии. Ребенок Коала называется детеныш. Детеныши длинной всего около 2 см, когда рождается и как и большинство других сумчатых, Коала матери держат их детенышей в их сумке около 6 месяцев. Коалы могут жить до 10 лет в дикой природе. Из-за вырубки эвкалиптовых лесов в популяции 20-го века коал сократилось до такой степени, что они были включены в список находящихся под угрозой исчезновения животных.