Artefact - an object that is made by a person, especially smh of historical..
Impressionist - someone who uses impressionism
Sculptor - someone who makes sculptures
Painter of seascapes - someone who draws pictures of the sea
Portraitist - someone who creates a painting, drawing or a photograph of a person
Guide - someone who's job is to take tourists to a place..
Art historian - someone who studies the history of art
Painter - someone who paints houses
Artist - someone who paints pictures
Art thief - a person who steals a work of art
Caricaturist - someone who draws funny drawings of..
Cartoonist - someone who draws a short film..
Decorator - someone whose job is to make plans or patterns for clothes, furniture, equipment
Photographer - someone who takes photographs
Fashion designer - someone who is very skilled at creating and sewing costumes
Painter of battle pieces - someone who draws a fight
Wardrobe master - a person whose job is to take care of the clothes that actors wear on state
Ну, чё в ответе писать ?
Как-то раз, на новый год, мне захотелось подарок. Я взял листок и ручку, и написал:
"Дорогой дедушка Мороз! Хочу на Новый Год я себе игрушку в виде гномика!"
Положил под ёлку, лёг спать, ждал завтрашнего дня.
Наступил день. После вчерашнего дня, я очень устал, поэтому шёл медленно. Подхожу к ёлке, вижу, что нет записки. А вместо неё лежит упаковка с бантиком. Я в туже минуту собрался открывать её. И вправду там был игрушечный гномик!
После получения подарка на новый год несколько месяцев, но я до сих пор ценю и люблю свой подарок на новый год!
(Не совсем думаю что правильно)
The roast chicken tastes delicious!
2 I enjoy going to parties.
3 Does he listen to music in his free time? +
4 She is the girl who's got red hair.+
5 The play started an hour ago.
6 They drove to the north of England. +
7 Cheetahs run faster than zebras.
8 Tom and Liz aren't invited to the party, are they? +
9 If Sara lives near me,we'll see each other more often.
10 Did Sara use to drink a lot of milk when she was young?+