Друг мой,пишу тебе это письмо,и вспоминаю то прекрасное время,проведенное вместе с тобой. Конечно,мы сейчас разделены километрами,но знай,я ощущаю твое присутствие. Как будто бы ты рядом. Хочу узнать как у тебя дела,как ты живешь,скучаешь ли ты по мне,надеюсь да. Сейчас в Англии очень плохая погода,как у нас на Родине? Прости меня,что не писал раньше,я не мог. Мой хороший друг,я буду хранить эту дружбу до скончания веков,я очень люблю тебя,и очень скучаю,надеюсь скоро My friend, I am writing this letter to you, and remember what a great time we spent together with you. Of course, we are now separated by kilometers, but please know that I feel your presence. As if you're around. I want to know how you are, how you live, Do you miss me, I hope so. In England there is very bad weather, as we do at home? Forgive me for not writing sooner, I could not. My good friend, I will keep this friendship until the end of time, I love you and miss you very much, hope to meet again soon.
1. I hope that this letter will come tomorrow. 2. She hoped that the teacher to praise her. 3. He had not anticipated that they will come back so late. 4. I know that she is a talented singer. 5. I knew he was a great scientist. 6. We did not expect that you have so much to do. 7. The teacher is expected that students will understand the rule. 8. I did not expect that he would write such beautiful poetry. 9. She knew that he was a very busy man. 10. Everyone knew that she progressive scientist. 11. I know that your sister is a very capable student. 12. Everyone knows that Byron great poet. 13. I don't expect this to happen so soon. 14. We hope that you will help us. 15. He expected that the Minister will answer immediately. 16. We hoped that the weather will change.