Переведите текст на язык. what did we do before television was invented? were those better times or worse? can you imagine your life without television nowadays? is it a one-eyed monster or a close friend? who can give a definite answer to these and other questions that might arise on the point? before television was admitted to our homes, people never found it difficult to occupy their spare time. they used to enjoy various pleasures and entertainment. for instance, people had hobbies, much more numerous in number than they have at present. they used to have guests and go out much more frequently, people found amusements going to the cinema, theatre, restaurants and sporting events. people used to read books. before television we had so many interests to share with our friends and acquaintances. we could spend the whole night debating over a problem that was — or at least — seemed urgent at the time. we found pleasure in communicating, sharing ideas and even discussing books. all that now belongs to the past. now it seems to have vanished forever. if we do gather with our friends it happens only on "great occasions", such as holidays and birthday parties. but now it looks more like a tribute to some tradition rather than a necessity. a tradition. no more than that. i may be wrong, but i suppose we are losing something important and we cannot seize it. our values are getting distorted, but we don't notice the fact. earlier people valued communication and it was quite common to cover many miles, even in terrible weather, to see a friend, to spend some time together, to discuss problems and the latest news, even some gossip about acquaintances. people used to write letters, because communication, even the written one was considered to be important. but now things are different. we don't have to spend weeks and months to get to our friends, but we seldom visit them. we prefer telephone as a means of communication, and television as a means of entertainment. i sense we have lost something important but we cannot realise it. 10. составьте 5 вопросов к тексту: а) общий; б) альтернативный; в) разделительный; г) вопрос к подлежащему; д) специальный
2 for me, sport is an integral part of life.
3 I like many sports.
4 for example, in the winter I love to skate, this activity brings a lot of positive emotions.
5 In the fall and spring, I prefer complex activities at home or biking.
6 my best time of year for sporta- this summer, because it is in this season, you can try almost all sports.
7 I spend a lot of time swimming in the pool, yoga, playing badminton, and lots more.
8 each class sport for me, a storm of emotions and well-being.
9 in addition to excellent mood, sport helps to gain a perfect figure.
10 I believe that sport should become indispensable, regular employment for everyone, because it gives great health, the perfect mood and helps to maintain physical fitness.