1. We knew it that my friends had never been to Copenhagen
2. The doctor was told that the baby refused to drink milk.
3. We were told that she was a talented singer.
4. We realized that they lived a happy life.
5. She thought that the children had gone to the river.
6. She hoped that the friends would come to see her some day.
7. He was sure that the father would repair the TV-set.
8. The teacher hoped that the students knew this grammar material very well.
9. The fans were sure that our national football team would win the world championship.
10. I found out that she didn’t know thatrule.
2. If I had enough money, I would buy a car. Если бы у меня было достаточно денег, я бы купил машину
3. If I had had more time, I would have finished my work yesterday. Если бы у меня было больше вркмени, я бы закончил работу вчера
4. If you intend to go abroad you will have to get) a visa. Если ты намереваешься поехать за рубеж, тебе придется получать визу