New Year is my favourite Holiday. There are some other good holidays which are popular in our country, but New Year ia absolutely special. The New Year atmosphere is really magic. In December, all the people around are already pleasantly excited about the upcoming New Year holidays. They do shopping, choosing gifts for their friends and relatives. Every street is nicely decorated with blinking lights, and I always enjoy watching the amazing illumination in the centre of the city. Children are happy to help their parents decorate the fir-tree and the house with glass toys, garlands and lights of various colours. They make wishes, writing letters to Father Frost and waiting for something magic to happen. People prefer to spend this time with their families, young people often get together and party all night. Anyway, New Year makes people closer to each other and creates a positive mood.
Перевод:Новый Год - мой любимый праздник. Есть и другие хорошие праздники, популярные в нашей стране, но Новый Год - совершенно особенный. Новогодняя атмосфера действительно волшебна. В декабре все люди уже приятно взволнованы грядущими праздниками. Они ходят по магазинам, выбирая подарки для своих друзей и родственников. Каждая улица красиво оформлена мигающими огнями, и мне всегда доставляет удовольствие смотреть восхитительную иллюминацию в центре города. Дети с радостью родителям украсить ёлку и дом стеклянными игрушками, гирляндами и лампочками разных цветов. Они загадывают желания, когда пишут письма Деду Морозу, и ждут, когда случится какое-нибудь волшебство. Люди предпочитают проводить это время со своими семьями, молодёжь часто собирается и устраивает вечеринку на всю ночь. В любом случае, Новый Год сближает людей и создаёт позитивное настроение.
1) If I were you , I would get a new job.
2 ) If he were younger , he would travel more.
3 ) If I had enough money , I would buy a big house.
4 ) If we won the lottery , we would travel the world.
5 ) If you had a better job , we would be able to buy a new car.
6 ) If I spoke perfect English , I would have a good job.
7 ) You would lose weight if you ate less.
8 ) If I had enough time , I would join the gym.
9 ) If I ate less, I would be healthier.
10 ) If it were warmer , we would sit in the garden.
Present Simple: 2, 7, 10, 13, 15, 17, 19, 24, 27, 29
Past simple: 1, 5, 8, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 25, 28,
Present continuous: 4, 9, 12, 23
Future simple: 3, 6, 22, 26, 30
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a few apples...
are relaxing