ответ:Надо найти слова и обвести их кружком:
1. radio (war -война)
2. tv
3 cat
6. art
7. I + zar
8. plane - самолёт
9. lamp + parrot
w a r a d i o c o a - война + радио - war + radio
a t v d e f g o r r - телевизор+ xoдить - tv + go
t r c a t h i o a m - кошка - cat
c i r c l e g k n c - круг - circle
d a j k c d l e g h - нога - leg
o n m s q u a r t i - искусство - art
l l v w x y s z a r - я царь - I + zar
a e r o p l a n e c - аэроплан - a e r o p l a n e
p a r r o t l a m p - попугай + лампа - parrot + lamp
Объяснение: отметь меня как лучший и нажми на и выбери все 5 звёзд умоляю
Most peole in Ukraine are Orthodox Christians and of course my family.
Traditionaly, we fast before Eater and don't eat meat or any other dairy product. In the evening before Easter Sunday we go to churchand take beautiful baskets filled with food. Priest begins by blessing all the food and the people. After it we go home and get Easter breakfast.Then we say to each other :- ''Chist has risen''
- ''He has indeed risen''
Also we play Easter games. For example,'' knocling'', when people knock their Easter eggs against each others.If your egg does not crack , you are the winner.
Будь ласочка, відміть як найкраще
I’m writing this later because you are not healthy and I want to help you.I will give you 5 advices.The first advice to you eat healthy food.Like vegetables and fruits.The second go to the doctor.The third go to the lessons of PE.The fourth take medication.The fifth be happy.I will give you more advices.The sixth go for a walk in the park and run.The seventh play with your friends in the park.Do exercises every morning.
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