с тестом
2) midterm test
1 That girl has just (a arrested b stolen c robbed) my wallet!
2 Would you survive a hurricane if you (a ’d stay b stayed c stay) outside?
3 ‘Did he like the play?’ ‘No, he (a did b didn’t like c didn’t).’
4 What (a she did b was she doing c she doing) when she heard the noise?
5 It’s 8 p.m. She (a ’s watching b watches c watch) a film.
6 Are there (a the b any c a) later flights in the day, please?
7 Have you heard the news? (a They’re b We’re c It’s) terrible.
8 240 = (a two hundred and forty b twenty-four c two hundred forty)
9 Is that (a a b the c –) woman you told me about?
10 You should (a get know b get to know c know get) each other better.
11 The manager’s office is (a the b – c a) fifth door on the right.
12 A (a fire b famine c flood) is a shortage of food for a long time.
13 I’m afraid there’s (a nothing b everything c anything) we can do.
14 They (a were having b ’ve had c had) a good holiday last year.
15 What’s Charlotte (a down to b up to c away) these days?
16 This fish doesn’t smell very good. Do you think it’s (a down b off c out)?
17 Hari (a knocked b cried c spilt) over a cup of tea in the kitchen.
18 We’ve had a lot of bad (a lucky b lucks c luck) this year.
19 They all had an ice cream, (a don’t b didn’t c hadn’t) they?
20 Tomasz is very busy. He’s always on (a go b going c the go).
В этом задании нужно использовать третью форму глагола (Ved; отмечено жирным) в форме Present Perfect (т.е. по формуле: has/have + Ved) и употребить её так, чтобы логически подытожить данные ранее высказывания (чит. силлогизмы). Как известно, есть правильные и неправильные глаголы — поэтому где-то мы используем т.н. супплетивизм корней, то есть когда корень разнится в зависимости от формы (go - went - gone), или же суффиксацию, т.е. добавляем к основе суффикс -ed (improve - improved - improved). Поэтому выходит так:
Tom is looking for his key. He can't find it. — He has lost his key. (Он потерял ключ.)Margaret can't walk and her leg is in plaster. — She has broken her leg. (Она сломала ногу.)Last week the bus fare was 80 pence. Now it's 90. — The bus fare has gone up. (Плату за проезд на автобусе подняли.)Maria's English wasn't very good. Now it is better. — Her English has improved. (Её английский улучшился.)Dan didn't have a beard before. Now he has a beard. — He has grown a beard. (Он отрастил бороду.)This morning I was expecting a letter. Now I have it. — The letter has arrived. (Письмо пришло.)The temperature was 20 degrees. Now it is only 12. — The temperature has fallen. (Температура упала.)7.3В этом задании нужно сделать практически то же самое: использовать третью форму глагола в форме Present Perfect, но употребить её не в предложении-следствии, а в ответе. Кроме того, здесь используются краткие формы глаголов, то есть 's и 've (вместо has и have) — разница с полной формой, как известно, в том, что краткая форма — атрибут разговорной речи.
No, thank you. I've just had lunch.I'm afraid, he's gone out.Wait a minute! I've not finished yet.No, I've done it myself / already.Have you found a place to live / anything?I've not decided yet.No, she's come back.