По горизонтали 1. Item of upper clothing covering the lower body, including each leg separately, and closing her knees 3. Short stocking, not reaching to the knee 4. джинсы 7. туфли 8. A garment, usually do not have buttons, a collar and pockets, with short sleeves that covers the torso 11. A garment covering the lower body. Evolved from loincloths 13. The subject of a knitted garment for the upper body without fasteners, long sleeves and a high two - or three-layer collar, hugging his neck 14. перчатки По вертикали 2. Knee-covering the lower legs to the knee 3. A long piece of cloth that they wrap around the neck in a utilitarian, aesthetic or religious purposes 4. Short top product (clothing), tightly buttoned 5. ботинки 6. Womens light clothing made of thin fabric in the form of a short form-fitting shirts. Contains sleeves, collar and cuffs. Often fastens with buttons 7. Kind of easy shoulder wear 9. Athletic shoes, which became popular in the form of everyday clothing 10. Womens specific clothing for swimming and relaxing by the water 12. Slim bodycon sweater with a collar that covers the neck 13. шорты
Плюсы чтения газет таковы: мы можем узнать о новостях в мире, о политике и т.д. Минусы: портится зрение. Н люди любят читать газеты. Мой дедушка-не исключение. Плюсы просмотра передач. Первый плюс такой же, как и в чтении газет. Второй- то, что мы можем посмотреть передачу с друзьями. Это весело. Но теперь минусы. Первый-это то, что во время просмотра передач мы едим и сидим. Этим самым можем навлечь на себя разные болезни. Одна из них- ожирение. Еще один минус- может испортиться зрение. Или заболеть голова. Поэтому нужно следить за собой. Ограничивать время просмотра передач.
1. Item of upper clothing covering the lower body, including each leg separately, and closing her knees
3. Short stocking, not reaching to the knee
4. джинсы
7. туфли
8. A garment, usually do not have buttons, a collar and pockets, with short sleeves that covers the torso
11. A garment covering the lower body. Evolved from loincloths
13. The subject of a knitted garment for the upper body without fasteners, long sleeves and a high two - or three-layer collar, hugging his neck
14. перчатки
По вертикали
2. Knee-covering the lower legs to the knee
3. A long piece of cloth that they wrap around the neck in a utilitarian, aesthetic or religious purposes
4. Short top product (clothing), tightly buttoned
5. ботинки
6. Womens light clothing made of thin fabric in the form of a short form-fitting shirts. Contains sleeves, collar and cuffs. Often fastens with buttons
7. Kind of easy shoulder wear
9. Athletic shoes, which became popular in the form of everyday clothing
10. Womens specific clothing for swimming and relaxing by the water
12. Slim bodycon sweater with a collar that covers the neck
13. шорты