1. the chair was big, expensive, but inconvenient. 2. between the two kingdoms was carried out (there was) an undeclared war. 3. in the village there were a lot of uneducated people, isn't it? 4. -why are you wearing casual clothes? is neoficalnaja meeting. 5. this is the most uncomfortable, apartment i have ever lived. 6. the country became free and independent. 7. this is bad news. 8. in this area there is no other uninhabited islands. 9. on the face of the young man was an unpleasant smile. 10. the story was short and unimpressive .
Моя мама работает бухгалтером. Ей это работа очень нравится. На работе она со всеми разговаривает.Конечно она иногда устает но все равно обожает эту работу. После работы она всегда заходит в магазин и покупает мне конфетки. Мне тоже нравится ее работа . Когда я выросту я возможно буду работать бухгалтером.
My mother works as an accountant. Her work very much. At work she's with all razgovarivaesh she sometimes gets tired but still loves the job. After work she always comes into the store and buy me candy. I also like her work . When I grow up I'll probably be working as an accountant.