1.She has just gone out 2.Have you ever been to Canada 3.Where has she gone 4.I hvae lost my key. 5but i have forgotten his name 6Have you decided? 7.I have bought a new umbrella 8.Somebody has taken them 9.We have already met. 10.Yes they have just arrived → 1.He had sold it 2.We hadn't cleaned it for weeks.3.He had changed a lot 4.He had just gone out. 5the film had already begun 6.everybody had gone to bed 7I hadn't flown before 8.She had never been late before 9.I hadn't seen... 10.He hadn't driven before → 1.I will have made... 2.He will have translated... 3.since I will have already gone to... 4.that I won't have completed it 5.we will have learned... 6.the comission will have сome не перепроверяла,мб где-то тупанула
ответ: №6
She hadn't done:
buy a birthday card for Julie
water the plants
tidy her room
(Past Simple)
She hadn't bought a birthday card for Julie
She hadn't watered the plants
She hadn't tidied her room
She had done:
walk the dog
do the shopping
send Tim an email
(Past Simple)
She had done walking the dog
She had done the shopping
She had done sending Tim an email
Sorry I haven't answer on this question :(
Она не сделала:
Купить карту на день рождения Джули
Полить растения
Почистить комнату
Она не купила карту на день рождения для Джули
Она не полила растения
Она не прибралась в комнате
Она сделала:
Выгулить собаку
Сходить в магазин
Отправить Тиму имейл
Она выгулила собаку
Она сходила в магазин
Она отправила Тиму имейл
Прости у меня нету ответа на этот вопрос
1. Where were you (c) yesterday? I was at home.
2. Where did you go (c) yesterday? I didn't go anywhere.
3. Why not go to the National Gallery? I went (b) there yesterday.
4. I have never been (a) to the USA.
5. 73rd—seventy-third (a) (правда, тут должно быть понятно, так как там rd на конце, но ладно)
6. Your homework is even worse than mine! (главное—не перепутать then & than: then значит потом/тогда, а than для сравнения)
P.S. Извиняюсь, список вопросов не пролистала. Сейчас все будет.