Complete the sentences with a few, a little, much, many or a lot of.
She's quite overweight because she eats a lot of sweets. Can I ask you а few questions about your diet? It won't take long. Her children don't have a healthy diet - they don't eat many vegetables. How much sugar do you have i n your coffee? Could I have little (some - так бы сказали в жизни, но по заданию ) more tea, please? I don't eat much fruit - I need to eat more.
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Russia has always been different from other European countries. For example, if you compare the UK and Russia.
In England, people are polite and shy. They can never be rude to other people.
In Russia, the opposite is true. People in Russia are open and free. They behave rudely and not culturally. These people can be rude even to strangers and this is normal for them .
If you compare these countries by the rating of drunkenness then Russia would win because there are a lot of people who drink alcohol.In Russia, a drink called vodka is especially popular. There is also such an alcoholic drink called Putinka as the drink is named after the precedent of Russia .
So this was my comparative description of Russia and England
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