3. Match the parts of the sentences.
1) What a) did your labour training practice take place?
2) When b) do you like best of all?
3) What holiday c) is it necessary to know foreign languages?
4) Where d) countries does Ukraine border on?
5) Whom e) do you usually write letters to?
6) Why f) did you spend your summer holidays?
2. I won`t play croquet tomorrow
3. We aren`t staying at home next day. (мы решили не оставаться дома; в противном случае будет: we won`t stay...))
4. We stay at home every Sunday.
5. He writes letters very often.
6. He is writing a letter at the moment.
7. He is writing a letter now.
8. Ann plays the piano.
9. Ann will play the piano next lesson.
10. Listen! Ann is playing the piano.
11. Do you get up early every day?
12. Are you getting up early next morning?
13. It's ten o'clock already! Are you getting up?
14. Does she pass exams every year?
15. Will she pass exams in a month?
16. Is she passing her exam at the moment?
17. Where do you go every Saturday?
18. Where are you going now?