Майже в кожному відношенні китайці були на передньому краї розробки друкованої світ . У 105 році нашої ери , Цай Лунь винайшов б виготовлення паперу , представляючи ( A10 ) використання в China.The паперу ( А11 ) перевершує за якістю до обпаленої глини , папірусу і пергаменту , використовуваного в Ofter частинах світу . За 593 році нашої ери , перший друкований прес ( A12 ) в Китаї , і першою друкованою газети була доступна в Beiging в 700 штольні був гравюри printing.The Dinamond Star , ( A13 ) knovn повне woodboock друкована книга з illustartions було надруковані в Китаї в 868 ADThe китайської світі , це ( A14 ) в TEHNOLOGY що німецький надруковані Йоганн Гутенберг , використовуваних в 1450 -их , щоб провести його Famours ( A15 ) від Bidle.In 1155 н.е., Лю Цзін справляє перша друкована карта в Китай . Вплив цих ( A16 ) було на освітньої , політичної та літературної розвитку світу є просто незчисленні. A10 1 ) по перше 2 ) один 3 ) перші 4 ) ті , A11 1 ) був 2 ) 3 ) був 4 ) буде A12 1 ) винайшов 2 ) був винайдений 3 ) винаходиться 4 ) був винайдений A13 1 ) на початку 2 ) раніше 3 ) рання 4 ) більш раннього A14 1 ) ж 2 ) як 3 ) , пов'язаних з 4 ) аналогічно A15 1 ) книги 2 ) видання 3 ) копії 4 ) текстові A16 1 ) творіння 2 ) гаджети 3 ) винаходи 4 ) пристрою
1. So, before we finish – does anyone have any questions?
2. Yes, actually. I have one question. I wondered if you could tell me when the job starts.
3. What aspect of your current job would you say you most enjoy?
4. Um, that’s a hard question. I guess I'd have to say I like the travelling best because it gives me the opportunity to experience other cultures.
5. There are a couple of things I’d like to ask about. First, can you drive?
6. Yes, I got my driver’s licence five years ago.
7. Can I ask you about holidays?
8. Employees get three weeks a year. But one thing I'd like to say is that we also offer excellent health care.
Let's go through each question and sentence one by one:
1. So, before we finish – does anyone have any questions?
- This is a sentence that asks if anyone has any questions before finishing.
- We can capitalize "so" as it is the beginning of the sentence.
- We put a comma (,) after "So" to separate the introductory phrase.
- We put a question mark (?) at the end to indicate it is a question.
2. Yes, actually. I have one question. I wondered if you could tell me when the job starts.
- This is a sentence that states that the person has one question and asks when the job starts.
- We capitalize "Yes" and "I" at the beginning of each sentence.
- We put a period (.) at the end of each sentence.
3. What aspect of your current job would you say you most enjoy?
- This is a question that asks what aspect of the person's current job they enjoy the most.
- We capitalize "What" and "I" at the beginning of each sentence.
- We put a question mark (?) at the end to indicate it is a question.
4. Um, that’s a hard question. I guess I'd have to say I like the travelling best because it gives me the opportunity to experience other cultures.
- This is a sentence that states the person finds the question hard and explains why they enjoy traveling in their current job.
- We capitalize "Um" as it is the beginning of the sentence.
- We put a comma (,) after "Um" to indicate a pause.
- We capitalize "I" at the beginning of each sentence.
- We put a period (.) at the end of each sentence.
5. There are a couple of things I’d like to ask about. First, can you drive?
- This is a sentence that states the person has a couple of things to ask and asks if the person can drive.
- We capitalize "There" and "I" at the beginning of each sentence.
- We put a comma (,) after "First" to separate items in a list.
- We put a question mark (?) at the end to indicate it is a question.
6. Yes, I got my driver’s licence five years ago.
- This is a sentence that confirms that the person has a driver's license for five years.
- We capitalize "Yes" and "I" at the beginning of each sentence.
- We put a period (.) at the end of each sentence.
7. Can I ask you about holidays?
- This is a sentence that asks if the person can ask about holidays.
- We capitalize "Can" and "I" at the beginning of each sentence.
- We put a question mark (?) at the end to indicate it is a question.
8. Employees get three weeks a year. But one thing I'd like to say is that we also offer excellent health care.
- This is a sentence that states the number of weeks employees get for holidays and mentions an additional benefit of excellent health care.
- We capitalize "But" and "I" at the beginning of each sentence.
- We put a period (.) at the end of each sentence.
In this activity, we need to pay attention to the capitalization and punctuation. We need to start sentences with a capital letter, use proper capitalization for names and titles, and end the sentences with the appropriate punctuation marks (comma, period, or question mark).