Выполните упр.2 на закрепление пройденного материала по теме «Future Simple (Will) - Будущее время»:
Ex2 Write questions with will. Then write true answers. Составьте во с will и ответьте на них по образцу:
1. (Образец) tomorrow / be Tuesday? – Will tomorrowbe Tuesday? No, it won’t. Завтра вторник? Нет.
2. you / go to university in another country?
3. the World Cup / take place next year?
4. you / leave home before you are 20?
5. you / be rich and famous?
6. it / be warm and sunny tomorrow?
7. you and your family / go abroad next summer?
take place – проводить(ся), проходить.
the World Cup – чемпионат мира/ кубок мира (по футболу).
2 If I stay some more days in your town, I will call on you and we will have a good talk.
3 After I finish school, I will enter the University.
4 When he returns to Moscow, he will call on us.
5 If I see him, I will tell him about their letter.
6 The child won't be healthy, If you don't give him much fruit.
7 I will sing you this song, if you tell me the words.
8 If it is very cold tonight, our car won't start in the morning.
9 I hope you will join us when we gather in our house the next time.
10 If the weather is nice, we will go to the beach.