на русском:
в зимней одежде относится: куртки, шапки, шарфы и теплый дубленки и пуховики.
весенняя одежда не такая теплая как зимняя относится: те же куртки, шапки, в теплые времена весны носят: кепки, штаны, трико, кофты.
лето теплое время года: шорты, кепки, футболки, топы, платья и это все относительно одевают летом.
осенью вещи носят такие же что и весною но вместо кепки шапки и т.д
перевол на английском:
in winter clothes include: jackets, hats, scarves and warm sheepskin coats and down jackets.
spring clothes are not as warm as winter ones: they are the same jackets, hats, in warm times of spring they wear: caps, trousers, tights, sweaters.
summer is a warm season: shorts, caps, t-shirts, tops, dresses and this is all relatively worn in the summer.
in the fall, things are the same as in the spring, but instead of caps, hats, etc.
- Im a diligent and confident purple
2) -Oh, i love and appreciate everyone in my class.
I think all they love me and appreciate too.
3) - Некорректно задан вопрос, мало инфы для ответа.
- offcourse im was very surprised
- I just see he him when cheatting, thats all.
4) Van of mr Peppi is "оценка фургона"
- I think Mr Peppi hates "что ненравится мистеру Пеппи"
5) - In my opinion waiting in queue is so boring thing
- a) Sorry, i dont want talk about it.
b) - I have do "действия за фургоном"
- I have done a "описание реакции"
6) - It was very strange ice cream, i never seen ice cream like this.
- Oh, it was " Имя прокричавшего"
- There is a difficultly situation
8) - Its was easy for me, i lust "описание того как ты залез в фургон"
- I sad early, it was easy for me.
- Its was a funny view "описание увдиенного в фургоне"
- a)I doesnt do something inside
b) I dont want talk about it.
9) - I had fell satiety fist time.
10) No, beacouse my sotry was rightly and truthful.
В след раз историю скидывай, точнее сам текст, дабы меньше времени пишущие теряли.