1) В
2) Б
3) В
4) Г
5) А
6) Б
46 Central Park
New York 456770
15th February, 2008
Dear Mark,
Thank you for your recent letter. I am awfully sorry for not writing to you earlier,
I had very little free time because I was busy with my school tasks.
You have written that you are also busy doing your biology project at school. I have always considered it might be useful to take care of your health on time.
In your previous letter you asked me about my health. To be honest, I have recently visited a doctor and I am totally disappointed with the results. I have got a little sick and also put on weight recently and this led to a deterioration in my health. Doctor recommended me to change my life style to a healthy one by doing sports, eating healthy food and spending more time in the open air. But, in general, I feel good.
I know that you are fond of travelling. Where are you planning to go next? Are you planning to go with your friends or parents? Where will you stay?
I am looking forward to your answer. Keep in touch.
— Hey, Jack, when you grow up, what do you want to be?
— Hi Chris, I would like to become a historian.
— Why?
— Because I like to listen to our teacher, I was always interested in what was happening in our country. Chris, what would you like to be?
— I'd like to be a doctor." You know how much I love biology and chemistry.
— It is so, Ah well, meet in school!
— Привіт Джеку, коли ти виростеш то ким ти хотів би стати?
— Привіт Кріс, я хотів би стати істориком.
— Чому?
— Тому що мені подобається слухати нашого вчителя, мені завжди було цікаво що відбувалося на території нашої країни. Кріс, а ти ким би хотіла стати?
— Я хотіла би стати лікарем. Ти ж знаеш як я обожнюю біологію і хімію.
— Це так, ну добре, зустрінемось в школі!