1. A: DID YOU GO on holiday last summer?
B: Yes, I WENT to Hungary.
2. A: Where WERE you last night?
B: I MET a friend for dinner.
3. I CALLED her house but there WAS no answer.
4. Yesterday, Sue RECEIVED a package post from Tom.
5. What DID YOU DO when you WERE TRAVELLING through Europe?
6. I. SENT an e-mail to Marie yesterday and she WROTE back immediately.
7. A: DID THEY GO to the football game on Saturday?
B: No, they WATCHED it on TV.
8: A: DID YOU FINISH the book I HAD GIVEN you?
B: Yes, I did.
Favourite sport.
In the world there are many kinds of sports, and they all differ from each other.With sports need to be friends. Because movement is life. If you want to be healthy, you need to be friends with sports. Sports can be practiced professionally and just for myself, a Person may choose in its sole discretion any sport.
My favourite type of sport - Figure skating. This sport is pleasant to me since the childhood. I love dancing, that's probably why I like it. Figure skating very difficult sport. People to this sport, studies within fifteen years, then only I leave on a big skating rink. Figure skating demands big devotion, time from people. People have to do this every day till some hours. To play sports it is necessary to employ the trainer for a certain sum of money. I was engaged in this sport, risks for health.
Любимый вид спорта.
В мире существует множество видов спорта, и все они отличаются друг от друга. Со спортом надо дружить. Потому что движение-это жизнь. Если вы хотите быть здоровым, надо дружить со спортом. Спортом можно заниматься профессионально и просто для себя, человек может выбрать на свое усмотрение любой вид спорта.
Мой любимый вид спорта - Фигурное катание. Мне этот вид спорта нравится с детства. Я люблю танцевать, наверное, поэтому мне нравится. Фигурное катание очень сложный вид спорта. Людей к этому виду спорта, учебы в течение пятнадцати лет, потом только выхожу на большом катке. Фигурное катание требует большой самоотдачи, времени от людей. Люди должны делать это каждый день по нескольку часов. Чтобы заниматься спортом нужно нанять тренера за определенную сумму денег. Занимался этим видом спорта, риски для здоровья.
My favourite sport is football. Three years ago I started to go in for football in a sports club not far from my home. Since then football has been my favourite sport.
Actually, football is very popular in many countries all over the world. Football is a team sport. The responsibility for victory or defeat lies with each member of the team. Football cultivates team spirit, unity and will to win. Last year we won the cup at the regional competitions. It is so wonderful when there is someone to share your success with.
I enjoy playing football because I feel support of others. There is no place for envy and rivalry in your own team. We all progress and move forward together. Our team is very close. By the way, thanks to football I found so many good friends. We are friends not only on the field but outside of it as well.
As a football player I have real football boots and a uniform. Most of the time I take the position of a forward. However, our coach likes to swap our roles. I think this is a good idea that helps us develop and learn faster.
I am a fan of many talented football players. So, I am fond of Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, David Beckham and Zinedine Zidane. I have also watched football matches with the legends of the world football – Pelé and Diego Maradona. I think that there are a lot of good players among Russian footballers, too. I like Andrey Arshavin and Yuri Zhirkov.
I love watching football championships. Once my father and I went to the stadium to watch our local football club’s game. It was unforgettable! I hope that one day I will be able to watch a more significant football match and maybe meet some football celebrities.
1)did you go..., went
2)were,was meeting
5)..will you do,finish
7did they go... Watched
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