The US Government
The form of the US govemmint is based on the Constitution of 1787 Which was adonted affer the Wer of Independence. The US Constitution comsista of 7 articles and 27 atendments. The firit 10 mendimenti are called the Bill of Rights and were adopted in 1791 under popalar pressure. The Bill of Rights is a series of Iimitations on the power of the Linnod States federnl govertanent, protecting the natural rights and libeties, including freedom of religion, freedom of speech and press rights of assembly and free association, as well as the right to keep and carry ams. In fedemi eriminal cases it guarantees a speedy, public trial with an impartial jury composed of meniber of the state in which the crime occurred. A key feature of the L'S Constitution is tederalism- the division of power between the national government and the States. Anotber major fenture of the Constihation is the principle of the separation of powers within the tiational govermment According to this principle the executive. legislative and jailicial benches exercise powers that are larpely separate atnd distinet. Each branch has its owT regonibilaties, but no branch has more power thari the other hrancbes, There is the system of checks and halances. Under this principle ench beanch has certain duties to check the powers of the other branches, This system wa designed to protect against the extremes since it makes compromise and consentn necentary.
a) present simple
b)past simple
c)present perfect
2.present simple
a)past simple
b)present perfect
c)past simple
3.past simple
a)cкорее всего past simple
b)past simple
c)present perfect
4.present simple
a)past simple
b)present perfect
c)dont know
present simple - настоящее простое время, то есть:
i am ...
простое время -
did you ...?
present perfect - настоящее совершенное время - have you (had, eaten и тд)
делай по моему примеру, потому что это очень легко и за тебя не могут все делать, ты должн/а уметь это сама, в жизни это пригодится)