1. They ___ a presentation to their report at the moment.
B are preparing
2. I ___ already this information.
C have got
3. Students usually ___ a lot of lectures and practical training.
A have
4. I ___ my homework yesterday.
C didn’t do
5. He isn’t sure he ___ to the party.
B will come
6. She ___ a problem now.
B is solving
7. You … be polite to people.
B should
8. … I take your pen?
C can D may = оба эти возможны, но D - более официальный и вежливый C: могу ли взять и D: не разрешите ли...
9. I have very little time; I … go.
A must
10. You … translate this text, it’s very easy.
C can
11. She … speak English well.
C can
1. I ride a bicycle
мен вилосепеде жүрдім
2. I was picking mushrooms
мен саңырауқұлақтарды жинадым
3. I was opening a book
мен кітапты аштым
4. I played the game.
Мен ойын ойнадым.
5. I was sitting by the river.
Мен өзеннің жанында отырдым
6. I didn’t write letters
Мен хат жазған жоқпын.
7. I met my friends
мен достарыммен таныстым
8.I visited my relatives
мен туыстарыма бардым
9. I sleep for a long time
мен ұзақ ұйықтаймын
10. I was walking in the woods
мен орманда жүрдім
11. I listened to the birds singing
мен құстардың әнін тыңдадым