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10.11.2022 15:15 •  Английский язык

Read to the story. Match the names to the descriptions
1 Aegeas
2 Minos
3 Ariadne
4 Theseus
a huge maze
b Aegeas's son
C king of Crete
da monster
e king of Athens
f Minos's daughter
b Which of the people and things are in
the picture?
2 Answer the questions.
1 Why does the ship go to Crete every year?
2 How does Ariadne help Theseus?
3 How does Theseus kill the Minotaur?
4 Why do Ariadne and Theseus leave Crete?
5 What happens when they stop at an island? Why?
6 Why does Aegeas jump off the cliff?
5 The Minotaur
6 The Labyrinth

Theseus and
the Minotaur

Theseus lived in Ancient Greece. His
father was the king of Athens. One
day. Theseus and his father were at the
harbour. There was a ship there with a
black sail.
-Where is the ship going, Father?' asked
the king of Crete.
"Why?' said Theseus.
To the island of Crete,' said the king.
Every year we send seven young men
10 and seven young women to King Minos,
The next day, Theseus tied the string to the entrance and
went into the Labyrinth. For hours he walked through the
King Minos,' said his father, "has a terrible monster,
35 dark maze. Suddenly, he heard a terrible noise. It was the
called the Minotaur. It's half man and half bull. It lives in
Minotaur. The monster rushed at him, but Theseus jumped
15 a huge maze, called the Labyrinth. And it eats people!
up and grabbed its horns. He pulled hard and broke the
monster's neck. The Minotaur was dead.
"Don't send the ship,' said Theseus.
Theseus followed the string back to the entrance.
We must,' said his father. 'King Minos will attack us.'
40 'My father will be very angry, said Ariadne. "You must
Then I'll go,' said Theseus. 'And I'll kill the Minotaur.
take me with you to Athens.?
*All right,' said the king sadly. "I'll wait on the cliffs every
They ran to the ship and sailed away from Crete.
20 day. When you come back, change the black sail to white.
"Thank you,' said Ariadne. 'I'm free from my cruel father,
Then I'll know you're safe.'
and soon we will be married.
So the ship sailed to Crete with Theseus and the other
45 "Married? thought Theseus. 'Ariadne helped me, but I
don't want to marry her!"
"Who will go into the Labyrinth first tomorrow? asked
A few days later they stopped at an island.
'T'll guard the ship, while you find some food,' said
'I will,' said Theseus.
Theseus. When Ariadne was gone, he quickly sailed away
"You're very brave, but you won't come back!' laughed 50 from the island.
the king
However, he forgot to change the ship's sail. When his
But the king's daughter, Ariadne, fell in love with
father saw the black sail, he cried: 'My son is dead! He
0 Theseus. She gave him a large ball of string.
jumped off the cliff into the sea and drowned. The king's
will find
"Use this,' she said, 'so that
name was Aegeas, and to this day, we call that sea the
young people.
25 King Minos.
your way out of
55 Aegean Sea.
the Labyrinth.

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Hi, dear Jill!
We've known each other so long, but I want to tell you that I love to eat. At Breakfast, mom gives me an Apple. I had lunch consists of tea and sandwich, and at dinner tonight we all gather at one table and eat my mother's delicious soup!
You have not answered me my last letter. I'll ask now. What subject do you like most in school?
All the best.

Привет, дорогая Джилл!
Мы с тобой знакомы не так долго, но мне хочется рассказать, что я люблю есть. На завтрак маме мне дает яблоко. Обед у меня состоит из чая с бутербродом, а вечером за ужином мы дружно собираемся за одним столом и едим вкусный мамин суп!
Ты не ответила мне в письме. С сейчас. Какой предмет ты любишь больше всего в школе?
Всего хорошего.
4,8(42 оценок)
My Birthday Birthday is a very wonderful day. Everybody likes to celebrate it. It is a good opportunity to spend time with friends, parents, and relatives. My Mam and Daddy and my little brother usually come to my room to congratulate me and to sing "Happy Birthday". Usually we hold my birthday party in the evening. Once we went to a cafe to celebrate my birthday, but usually we celebrate it at home. We clean the house the day before birthday. In the morning of the birthday party day my father goes shopping and buys everything we need. My mother bakes a cake or a pie. By the evening food is cooked and the table is laid. We put on evening suits and dresses and wait for the guests. The flat looks nice and cosy. I am always very glad to meet my guests. I like to get flowers and presents. Mam gives me the telegram from my aunt. We have an abundant dinner on this day. Mam brings in the birthday cake. I blow the candles out. We dance and sing songs, play games and laugh, joke, tell funny stories. I think that my birthday is one of the best days in a year. Мой День рожденияДень рождения - очень замечательный день. Каждый любит отмечать его. Это хорошая возможность провести время с друзьями, родителями и родственниками. Моя мама и папа, и мой маленький брат приходят ко мне в комнату, чтобы поздравить меня и спеть "С Днем Рождения". Обычно мы празднуем День рождения в вечернее время. Однажды мы пошли в кафе отмечать день рождения, но обычно мы празднуем его дома. Мы убираем дом за день до дня рождения. Утром дня рождения мой отец делает покупки и покупает все, что нужно. Моя мама печет торт или пирог. К вечеру еда готова, стол накрыт. Мы надеваем вечерние костюмы и платья и ждем гостей. Квартира выглядит красиво и уютно. Я всегда очень рад встретить моих гостей. Я люблю получать цветы и подарки. Мама дает мне телеграмму от тети. У нас обильный ужин в этот день. Мама приносит праздничный торт. Я задуваю свечи. Мы танцуем и поем песни, играем в игры и смеёмся, шутим, рассказываем анекдоты. Я думаю, что мой день рождения один из самых лучших дней в году.
4,8(49 оценок)
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