1 Marla said, what this is a very misleading advertisement.
2 Mam asked, what Is this the new soft drink advert?.
3 She said to me, what please, don’t forget to pay the bill at the bank.
4 dad asked, what Where’s my new watch?
5 the teacher said to us, what open your books on page 91, please.
6 He said, what i will meet you outside the building.
7 Kate complained, what my soup is cold.
8 Mr. Preston informed, what there will be a meeting in my office at 5 pm, Bill .
9 Mum ordered to me, what go to your room!.
10 Our teacher advised, what you should not pay so much attention to adverts.
перевел из прямой речи в косвенную.
он хочет сказать что компьютер очень важная штука без неё в жизни не прожить Она понадобится и в школах И на работе и в лицеях если ты знаешь как пользоваться компьютером тут организованы совершенный человек и тебе будет легче пройти курсы там лицеев например. без компьютера ты никто
He wants to say that a computer is a very important thing in life without it. It will be needed in schools And at work and in lyceums, if you know how to use a computer, a perfect person is organized here and it will be easier for you to take courses there, for example. you are nobody without a computer
название :computer is our life