Вставьте much или many 20. ... in this work was too difficult for me. 21. ... of their answers were excellent. 22. ... of their conversation was about the university.
Yesterday I heard my alarm clock but I went back to sleep. I got up late and ran to the kitchen. I burnt my tongue because the milk was too hot! I also cut my finger on a knife and my butter and jam toast fell on the carpet, on the wrong side of course! Afterwards I hit my foot against the door. Ouch, it hurt! When I opened the door of its cage, my canary flew away. Ten minutes later, I caught him in a net and put him back into the cage. Of course, I left home late and missed the bus. I took my bike and rode to school. It was so cold that my fingers froze. There I had a horrible history test. I was so nervous that I broke my pen and forgot everything I knew. In the afternoon, the PE teacher taught us how to fight. I fought against a big boy who beat me so hard that I lost a tooth. And even worse! Somebody stole my MP3 player in my locker. I couldn't believe it! Fortunately, my alarm clock rang again and I realised it was only a bad dream, a real nightmare! What a relief!
Букингемский дворец это рабочее место,официальный и главный королевский дом королевы. Он расположен в Вестминстере. Дворец является местом для торжественных случаев. Здание было для Букингемского герцога в 1705 году. Джордж III купил его в 1761 как личную резиденцию для королевы Шарлотты и, он был известен как "Дом Королевы". Букингемский дворец в конце концов стал официальным королевским дворцом Британского монарха и королевы Виктории, которая была первым монархом живущим здесь в 1837 году. Букингемский дворец используется в качестве административной работы для монархов. Здесь Её Величество принимает и забавляет гостей приглашённых во дворец.
20. Much in this work was too difficult for me. 21. Many of their answers were excellent. 22. Much of their conversation was about the university.