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London University is one of the (highly) appreciated universities in the world, therefore, I wanted to be accepted there. But I was lucky and I was accepted there. I (had to) make two trips to London before I started one for the interview and another to find accommodation. The university provided students with information about flats. By the time the semester began, I (had already found) a place to live and a roommate. While I was studying, I didn’t think about work and how I (am earning) my living after university. When the time came, I realized that languages had always interested me so I applied for several jobs to teach English abroad. Obviously, I didn’t have any experience but I thought I had a small chance of (being accepted). In the end, a letter came and I felt nervous as I opened it. But the news (was) good! The letter offered me a job in a Swedish school. I knew the winter weather in Sweden was cold so I bought some warm clothes. Then I had a farewell party and everyone wished me good luck in my new life as a teacher. Since then I (have had) a lot of jobs in different countries and I am happy to say that I have enjoyed all of them. But I have wondered many times what (would have happened) if that first letter had turned me down.
1) He usually (goes) to school by bus, but today he (is walking) to school. 2) Listen! The birds (is singing). They always (sing) in the morning. 3) What (are you / doing)? Do you always (work) like that? 4) I (do not / swim) in this lake! It (is) far too cold. 5) Peter (has just / eaten) his school dinner, but I (think) school dinners (taste) horrible. 6) The girls often (do) their homework together, but today they (are not / doing) their homework properly! 7) I sometimes (go) for a walk in the afternoons, but today I (am working) instead. 8) Christiana always (feeds) her cows in the morning, but Tim (is feeding) them today. 9) Look! (Isn't ) that Sarah? She (is just / going) into the cinema with her boyfriend. 10) Dad (does not / know) that Tom (has run) in a marathon today. He will be surprised.
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