A. What are we doing tonight? (я не очень понял что надо было в Этом предложении делать._."")
B. We has dinner with Jack and Mary.
A. But we had dinner with them last week!
B. Yes, but they want to tell us some good news.
A. OH, OK then. Should I buy some champagne?
B. It's 8 o'clock! Where have you been?
A. l'm sorry. When I walked home I stopped to buy the champagne. And then I saw Mark in the shop...
B. Well, hurry up. We had been late!
A. It's OK. I already ordered a taxi and I'll be ready in five minutes.
надеюсь что это правильно._.'''
но я уверен на 92%, что это правильно
если не правильно, то я приношу свои ОГPОМНЫЕ извинения...
Once, when I was about 10-11 years old, I travelled to Pennsylvania. Me and my family decided to go to the Niagra falls. It was my mom forever lasting dream that she just really wanted to come true.
We went together as a family. Me, my dad, my mom and my brother. When we got there, we realized how crowded it was. Everyone was everywhere. But that didnt stop us to continue going to see the falls.
When we finally got a glimpse of the falls, we were all so mesmerized. It was so beautiful. We had a tour guide as well who was telling us the history of the waterfalls. He told us how a man once well down the falls and survived the fall. But the way he died in the near future, was by stepping on a banana peel and falling.
Finally, once we were done sighting the falls, we went to our rented car. And started driving to New York city where we reserved a hotel. But halfway on the way back, my brother realized he forgot his favorite toy kitty somewhere. We were already 2 hours away from the Niagra falls and there was no way we could go back just for a toy. But luckily when we got back to our hotel, my dad asked a security guard through a phone call, to look if he found it. And guess what! He did! The joy all of us felt was so great! we have found my brother favorite toy!
1 began,listened-Past Simple Active
Вс глагол did
2 will be-- Future Simple Active
How will that be?
3 Past Simple Active
4 Past Simple
5 Past Continuous