Open the brackets in the Present, Past or Future Simple Passive The report (write) by Sam yesterday.
The book (buy) in the shop tomorrow.
Computers (use) every day.
Rewrite the following sentences into Indirect Speech
Sam said to Peter, «I didn’t see Ella at the university yesterday».
Susan said, «Did you return the books to the library yesterday, Nick?»
A girl said to a doctor, «Why do you like your job?»
Change the sentences using the equivalents of modal verbs
You may keep this book.
They can study the present situation in the country.
Write the following dates.
09/11/1999; 15/05/2015
1) Does the USA occupy half of the continent of Northern America? - Действительно ли что США расположена на половине континента Северной Америки,
2) Is Washington D.C. the administrative and political center of the USA? - Действительно ли что Вашингтон это административный и политический центр США,
3) What is the official residence of the US President? - Что является официальной резиденцией президента США,
4) Which are the most important USA cities? - Какие самые важные города в США?
5) How many states does the USA consist of? - Сколько штатов в США?
6) Which are the most powerful political parties of the USA? - Какие наиболее весомые политические партии в США?
7) How many states are there in the USA? - Сколько штатов в США?
8) What is the population in the USA? - Какое население в США?
9) What isthe capital of the country? - Какая столица страны?
10) The USA is a very powerful country, isn't it? - США очень мощная держава (страна), не так ли?