Вотможет Мой кумир I think almost everyone in the world admires someone. It is especially true for young people. Most of them have idols. They try to look and act like them. It is useful when a person looks up to someone with positive qualities or to someone who has done lots of good and worthy things. Idols are mostly found in such spheres like music or cinema. My idol is Michael Jackson. I like all his songs and I admire his personality. I think that he was a multi-talented person. He managed to stage fantastic and spectacular shows. He was a great singer and dancer. Besides, he did a lot for poor and disabled children of Africa. I’ve read at a magazine that Michael Jackson was born in a rather poor family. There were nine children and they all lived in a four-room house. Later, when Michael Jackson became really rich and popular, he purchased a huge house with lots of rooms upstairs and downstairs. Many critics said his behavior was eccentric. He never gave interviews, he was rarely seen in public, he often wore a face mask to protect himself from germs, and he slept in an oxygen capsule, which he believed would help him to live longer. However, his manager says that he was simply very shy. He started singing in public when he was only five years old. Since then he had been working like a grown-up. He had never had free time to play with other children and he led a very stressful life. He felt safe with animals and children and he feared crowds. He was a bit childish too. He loved kids’ stories and his favourite hero was Peter Pan. No matter how eccentric or childish he was, I think he was a clever man, who managed to create a successfully brilliant image.
Reveiw FOR ENGLISH PLEASE !facethe new heroes of the American modern rock is a singer Evanescence, Amy Lee (Amy Lee). Oddly enough, but until Evanescence anyone and would not comethe idea that the female vocalist of the band playing alternative metal , can bewoman . »Little Rock - a small town in the state ofArkansas, characterized by the development stage death metal. It was here in 1994 met AmyLeeand BenMoody.They were only 13 and 14 years, respectively.despitethe difference in musical tastes ( Amy has a classical musiceducation and be heard Tori Amos and Bjork, and Ben liking heavymetal80 ) , young people quickly found a common language .firstEvanescence include mention of the end of the 1990s .Songs like Give Unto Me and Understanding, and then MyImmortal and Haunted, written as they were then ,wrote the last two BenPodinfluenced by a wide range of artists such as Bjork, Danny Elfman and Tori Amos, the group began releasing a demo album of this material. not evenspeaking live , Evanescence began to establish itselfreputation. ¡«Understanding» was included on their debut EP Evanescence ( 1998), which they recordedand released on their own. The album went to number 100 ekzemlyarov overnight at their first concertVinoin Little Rock . After the release, the band tookMe name Evanescence ( before they called themselves Stricken & Childish Intentions).
Despite ¡gloom on the music and lyrics , it must be noted that the song Evanescence have a positive focus." His album, its songs we want people to understand that they are not alone;- Amy says .- Everyone goes through hardships and mental anguish. Such is life and such is thehuman nature . " "We are very honest with what we do - adds Ben . - InToday in music too much aggression. To us this is not true . We do not wantcheap popularity , we write the heart. "Bring me to life »- this is a song about the questsomething or someone that will awaken in you a sense of which have not beenwas .
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