Молочные продукты самые полезнае в мире! не зря говорят: "Пейте дети молоко - будете здоровые! " йогурты, творог, сметана и другое, все вы можете употреблять каждый день. Кушая молочные продукты вы обеспечиваете себе здоровье на всю жизнь вашему иммунитету и себе.
перевод: Dairy products are the poleznae in the world! not for nothing they say: "Drink milk, children - would be great!" yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream and more, all you can eat every day. Eating dairy products, you provide a health for a lifetime! Help your immunity and myself.
fine - finer - the finest rainy - rainier - the rainiest much - more - the most beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful big - bigger - the biggest small - smaller - the smallest curious - more curious - the most curious bad - worse - the worst lovely - lovelier - the loveliest
Найди ошибки:
Winter is snower than spring.
She is the most beautiful girl in our class.
This farmhouse is the nicest.
Karabas is worse than Father Carlo.
Dogs are cleverer than mice.
Раскрой скобки: less the cleverest deeper the most wonderful more interesting
Fred is my best friend. Summer is hotter than spring. The book is more interesting than the film. The houses in the city are bigger than in the country. I like apples less of all.
Dairy products are the poleznae in the world! not for nothing they say: "Drink milk, children - would be great!" yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream and more, all you can eat every day. Eating dairy products, you provide a health for a lifetime! Help your immunity and myself.