Я также посетила Вестминстерское аббатство. Как мне кажется, это одна из самых красивых церквей в мире. Там похоронено огромное количество представителей королевской знати. Здесь коронуют и хоронят всех королей и королев. Недалеко от него можно увидеть огромное чертово колесо. Англичане называют его Лондонским глазом, поскольку оно — одно из самых высоких чёртовых колес в мире (135 метров) и благодаря этому видно весь Лондон. Мы также ездили по Тауэрскому мосту.
I also visited Westminster Abbey. It seems to me that this is one of the most beautiful churches in the world. A huge number of representatives of the royal nobility are buried there. All kings and queens are crowned and buried here. Not far from it you can see a huge ferris wheel. The British call it the London Eye, because it is one of the highest ferris wheels in the world (135 meters) and thanks to this, the whole of London is visible. We also drove over the Tower Bridge.
Я также посетила Вестминстерское аббатство. Как мне кажется, это одна из самых красивых церквей в мире. Там похоронено огромное количество представителей королевской знати. Здесь коронуют и хоронят всех королей и королев. Недалеко от него можно увидеть огромное чертово колесо. Англичане называют его Лондонским глазом, поскольку оно — одно из самых высоких чёртовых колес в мире (135 метров) и благодаря этому видно весь Лондон. Мы также ездили по Тауэрскому мосту.
I also visited Westminster Abbey. It seems to me that this is one of the most beautiful churches in the world. A huge number of representatives of the royal nobility are buried there. All kings and queens are crowned and buried here. Not far from it you can see a huge ferris wheel. The British call it the London Eye, because it is one of the highest ferris wheels in the world (135 meters) and thanks to this, the whole of London is visible. We also drove over the Tower Bridge.
ответ:1.отр.My Brother has not got a family
воп.Has my brother got a family?
2.отр.They have not their English in the morning
воп.Have they got their English in the morning?
3. отр. We have not a good collection of books at home.
воп. Have we got a good collection of books at home?
4.отр. Ann has a comfortable flat.
воп. Has Ann got a comfortable flat?
5.отр. We usually haven't porridge for breakfast.
воп. Have we usually got porridge for breakfast?
6. отр. My parents had not a telephone in their old flat.
воп.Had my parents got a telephone in their old flat?
7. отр. She has not got a son and a daughter.
воп. Has she got a son and a daughter?
8. отр.My children have not a lot of friends
воп.Have my children got a lot of friends?
9.отр. Ben had not some money on him yesterday.
воп.Had Ben got some money on him yesterday?
10. отр. Cranny has not a very comfortable arm-chair in her room.
воп.Has Granny got a very comfortable arm-chair in her room.
11. отр. Mary had not two children then, but now she has got three.
воп. Had Mary got two children then, but now she has got three?
12. отр. My father often has not a lot of work to do.
воп. Has my father got a lot of work to do?