Dipper »Pines) - a fictional character, one of the main characters of the animated series" Gravity Falls ", twin brother Mabel Pines. The character was voiced mainly by Jason Ritter. The prototype was Alex Hirsch himself as a child and his classmate [3]. According to the director, the boy had terrible pimples that resembled, for example, the constellation Orion, and later - the Big Dipper (English Big dipper) from the constellation Ursa Major. There is a birthmark on Dipper Pines' forehead in the form of a Big Dipper. Dipper first appeared in an unnamed pilot created by Hirsch; in the series appears in the episode Secrets of Gravity Falls [5]. Together with his twin sister, Mabel plays the lead role in the series.
Has the father already cleaned his car?
The father hasn`t already cleaned his car.
2. The train has just arrived.
Has the train just arrived?
The train hasn`t just arrived.
3. She will have finished her report by tomorrow morning.
Will she have finished her report by tomorrow morning?
She won`t have finished her report by tomorrow morning.
4. The firm had made good profit by the end of the year.
Had the firm made good profit by the end of the year?
The firm hadn`t made good profit by the end of the year.
5. Our salaries have increased twice since last year.
Have our salaries increased twice since last year?
Our salaries haven`t increased twice since last year.