Oo Yes I have a friend who eats a healthy food !It's her own diet! She got up early and drinks a cup of water with pieces of lemon then she waits 20 minutes and usually go to eat her porridge with fruits or nuts. I saw her eating this meal and it seems to me that it's realy tasty! At lunch time she eats much vegeables like cucumbers or tomatoes or carrots and etc!She like to eat these with a pieces of chicken and of cause with porridge like buckwheat or oatmeal etc at dinner tim she usually eats 2 eggs with portion of salad and at supper she drinks a cup of milk or yogurt!She goes to gym 3 time a week and I think it helps her to keep fit herself
Ирландия - площадь — 70,2 тыс. км², столица — город Дублин ,в котором проживает около четверти населения всей страны (1,4 млн. чел.). Языки ирландский и английский. Великобритания - площадь составляет 243 809 км²,столица - Лондон , в котором проживает около четверти населения всей страны 58 789 194. Языки - официальным языком Великобритании является английский.В Соединённом Королевстве в целом школьники обязаны учить второй язык до определённого момента: до 14 лет в Англии[69], и до 16 в Шотландии. Французский и немецкий языки — два наиболее изучаемых вторых языка в этих двух регионах. В Уэльсе школьникам до 16 лет либо преподают на валлийском, либо учат валлийскому, как второму языку. Теперь ты введи это в переводчике , и там всё будет на англ. Ireland - area - 70.2 thousand km ², the capital - the city of Dublin, which is home to about a quarter of the entire population of the country (1.4 million).. Irish and English languages. United Kingdom - an area of 243,809 km ², the capital - London, which is home to about a quarter of the population of all countries 58,789,194. Language - the official language of the United Kingdom is angliyskiy.V the United Kingdom in general students are required to learn a second language to a certain point: up to 14 years in England [69], and 16 in Scotland. French and German - the two most studied second language in these two regions. In Wales, students up to 16 years or taught in Welsh or taught Welsh as a second language.
1) We sang some songs.
2) Did you buy any apples?
3) We listened to some music.
4) Did you buy any apple juice?
5) Do you have any money?
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