Russia. This is a wonderful country with a centuries-old history, culture, beautiful people and nature. In fact, the stereotypes of Westerners about Russia are incorrect. Having been in this country, I realized that everything that was told to us about it was a lie. It is not winter all year and the Russians do not drink vodka all the time. I met Russian people who welcomed me kindly. It would seem that they are not so bad. I made Russian friends with whom I often correspond. Having tried borsch and olivier, I was surprised how I could live without them. Be sure to visit this country of opportunity. You definitely will not regret it!
Россия. Это прекрасная страна с многовековой историей, культурой, прекрасными людьми и природой. На самом деле стереотипы западников о России неверны. Находясь в этой стране, я понял, что все, что нам было сказано об этом, было ложью. Здесь не зима весь год, и русские не пьют водку все время. Я встретил русских людей, которые любезно приветствовали меня. Казалось бы, они не так уж и плохи. Я завел русских друзей, с которыми я часто переписываюсь. Попробовав борщ и оливье, я удивился, как я мог жить без них. Обязательно посетите эту страну возможностей. Вы точно не об этом!
2. Do I listen to the radio or whatch TV in the evening?
3. Does Ann dance or sing well?
4. Do they work 5 or 6 days a week?
5. Do you and Dan get along well or quarrel together
6. Does Carol often borrow or lend you money?
7. Does Jane buy ready-make dress or make dresses herself?
8. Do we do oral or written exercises in the class?
9. Does Carolina live in a rooming house or cottage?
10. Do the go home after classes or stay at school?
11. Does my mother take a nap or go for a walk in the afternoon?
12. Does Mr. Brook or Mr. Cloony keep his car in the garage?
13. Does the plane take of or land in ten minutes?
14. Does father usually get up early or late?
15. Do the children learn English or Spanish at school?
16. Does my brother take his bath in the morning or in the evening?
17. Doe Tom or his brother live in this street?
18. Do I often see her in the gym or in the library?
5)on, on, to, of
8)on, in, of