A quick stir will mix them thoroughly.
Резкое взбалтывание хорошо их перемешает.
What is the gender of Mary's child?
Какого пола ребенок Мэри?
— He's the President of the United States.— Он Президент Соединенных Штатов.
Public opinion's the only thing you love.Тебя волнует только общественное мнение.
I made a comprehensive list.Я составил полный список.
You should revise grammar units.
Ты должен повторить грамматические разделы.
He was afraid to dive from the high board.
Он боялся нырять с вышки.
I usually get up at 6 o'clock in the morning.
Then I make my bed, I clean my teeth, wash my face and hands.
I have breakfast at half past 7.
My breakfast is porridge with a sandwich and tea with lemon.
At 7 am I walk with my dog Trixie.
I get dressed and brush my hair.
It’s time to go to school.
At 8.30 am I go to school.
My lessons start at 9 o'clock.
I usually have 5-6 lessons a day.
In school, I study and talk to my friends.
I come home from school at 3 o'clock.
I have dinner at half past 3.
Then I read books, watch TV or play computer games.
I do my homework from 6 o'clock till 8 o'clock in the evening.
And I have dinner at 8.00 p.m.
At 8.30 in the evening I walk with my dog Trixie.
At 9.15 pm I play chess with my dad.
At 10 pm I brush my teeth, my face and hands.
At 10.15 pm I go to sleep.