A special place in the history of the "great royal wives' takes Hatshepsut. It was a "great tsarist wife" of her half brothers of Thutmose II. During this time, Hatshepsut was the "wife of the god Amun" (the highest rank of priestess in the temple of Amun at Karnak). After her husband's death she became regent, because of the small age her stepson Thutmose III of, the only male heir (born consort Isis), and rules successfully for 22 years. Although she and the other women ruled Egypt, Hatshepsut was the first woman to receive the title of pharaoh. After becoming Pharaoh, she appointed her daughter Neferuru high priestess, handing her the title "wife of the god Amun." Maybe her daughter was "great wife" of Tuthmosis III, but there is no evidence of their supposed marriage .
например, Дженнифер высокая и стройная/прямая.
6 Джон-это молодой мальчик с колючими/тощими | 10 у моей младшей сестры милые косички/лицо.
светлые волосы.
11 у моего брата длинные/большие волосы.
7 у мамы и папы оба темные 12 Мой дядя очень высокий с усами/волосами.
8 Джастин и Джулиан оба хорошо сложены/хорошо сложены-
9 у Клаудии красивое лицо с коричневыми волнистыми волосами.
13 У Адама на лице веснушки/борода. 14 мои волосы до плеч/высокие. 15 у тебя зеленые глаза и кудрявая/круглая блондинка