сад leave school if they wish. Some 16-year-olds continue their studies in the sixth form at school or at a sixth form college. The sixth form prepares pupils for a national exam called "A" level (Advanced Level) at 18. You need "A" levels to enter a university. 7 per cent of British school children go to private schools. These schools are very expensive. They are called independent schools. There are three levels of private schools: pre-preparatory schools (for children aged from 5 to 7 or 8); preparatory (prep) schools (for pupils aged from7 or 8 to 13) and public schools (for pupils aged from 13 to 18). Prep schools prepare children for the Common Entrance Exam which they take at the age of 11. Many preparatory and most public schools are boarding schools: children live at school during the school terms. Some "public schools" have a long history and tradition. Eton is the best known of these schools. It is possible to enter the best English Universities after leaving public schools. In England there are 47 universities. The oldest and most famous universities are Oxford and Cambridge. 2. Translate the words from the text: 1. is provided by 2. state and private education 3. free nursery school education 4. compulsory education 5. infant schools 6. junior schools 7. secondary schools 8. comprehensive schools- 9. private schools 10. preparatory (prep) schools 11. public schools 12. boarding schools 13. school terms
I love to celebrate any holidays. It seems as if this is some unusual days that will happen something interesting. Actually, my favorite holiday - it's the New Year, because it is celebrated all people, everywhere a festive atmosphere. A birthday party - an individual celebration, which involved only the birthday boy and his family.
Before, when I was a kid, my birthday organization engaged mom. She invited my godparents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, preparing a festive table, inventing different contests and entertainment. And be sure to bake a big cake with cream and chocolate in which to insert colored candles.
But a couple of years I'll organize my birthday. I'm wondering now celebrate it with friends. Therefore, I congratulate the parents in the morning, and then we're going with friends in my room and just talk or play games. My mother and I no longer make ready a mountain of dishes, and choose something original that you eat every day. This enhances the atmosphere of this unique day.
I like to celebrate a birthday with friends, because we always have fun together. We are laughing nearly all the time, and which are obtained funny photos when we dress up in silly costumes!
I love getting birthday gifts. Besides, I do not care how expensive and valuable gift. I wonder what people choose for me, it shows how they see me. On my holiday is always dear to me there are only people, so there are no bad gifts for me. It's their attention!
I hope that many years later on my birthday each will gather loved ones, and this day will always seem like an unusual day.