Take two slices of your favorite bread.Put mustard on the bottom slice of bread,and mayo on the top slice.Choose your cheese for the sandwich.Lay tomatoes in the same manner as the cheese, depending on if you want one or two slices.Put a few leaves of lettuce on top of the tomatoes, making sure it hangs off all four edges of the sandwich.Lay two slices of thin ham on top of the lettuce.Lay the slice of bread with mustard on top of the sandwich, finishing it off.Serve the sandwich on a medium sized plate.
на :
the recipe of sandwiches with sprats: roast toasts, rub them on the one hand with garlic and smear with butter, put on a carcass of a small fish, a circle of the egg welded вкрутую, a segment of a cucumber or a tomato and a branch of parsley.
sandwiches with sprats are ready.
на :
рецепт бутербродов со шпротами : поджарьте гренки, натрите их с одной стороны чесноком и намажьте сливочным маслом, положите по тушке рыбки, кружочек яйца, сваренного вкрутую, дольку огурца или помидора и веточку петрушки.
бутерброды со шпротами готовы.
The sales assistant sold me a defective TV.
A defective TV was sold me by the sales assistant.