вот перевод:
1. Я ... (иду) в театр, если я ... (иду) сегодня вечером. 2. Я ... (злюсь), если ты ... (возвращаешься) очень поздно. 3. Мы ... (увидим) друг друга в следующем месяце, если мы ... (не увидим) друг друга в следующем месяце. 4. Если они ... (приходят), я ... (очень) удивляюсь. 5. Мы ... (опоздаем), если мы ... (подождем) здесь. 6. Мы ... (поехали) в Италию, если мы ... (поедем) в отпуск этой осенью. 7. У нас ... (нет / есть) пикник, если погода ... (нет / улучшается). 8. Питер и Джек ... (идут) на вечеринку, если они 9. Л. (устают) завтра, если я ... (не пойду), чтобы прислушаться к этому вечеру (быть) приглашенным.
1) Question: Where was the first car manufactured?
Answer: The first car was manufactured in the USA.
2) Question: how many mobile phones have been sold recently?
Answer: Millions of mobile phones have been sold recently.
3) Question: Who was penicillin discovered by?
Answer: Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming.
4) Question: When will the cure for Aids be found?
Answer: Very soon, I hope it will be found soon.
5) Question: When were the first real computers built?
Answer: The first computers were built during the Second World War.
1. In Europe Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December. - Present Simple Passive
2. “Apple” was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniakin in 1976. - Past Simple Passive
3. Our managers will be invited to a meeting by them next month. - Future Simple Passive
4. The final exams are taken by students in summer. - Present Simple Passive
5. Some economic problems have been discussed by politicians at the meeting. - Present Perfect Passive
6. Branches of our company can be found in most countries. - Present Simple Passive
7. The contract with Barcelona club has been signed by Lionel Messi. - Present Perfect Passive
8. The teacher was being followed by five or six small children. - Past Progressive Passive
9. Fashionable clothes were made by Christian Dior. - Past Simple Passive
10. In Russia the president is elected by people every six years. - Present Simple Passive
11. New schools will be built by the government in the new districts of our city. - Future Simple Passive
12. The newspaper reporters are being given a long interview by the scientists now. - Present Progressive Passive