This is called acid rain, but there is actually 'acid fog', 'snow' and 'sleet' in the same way!(убери последнее предложение если хочешь именно про кислотный дождь) 3. Water and soil pollution When acid rain falls into lakes, streams, rivers and seas, they become toxic. This is water pollution harms, kills or wipes out fish and plant species. When acid rain flows through the soil, it poisons trees and plants. Acid rain often causes serious damage to important buildings and objects 4. Good news Good news is that,that governments have been trying to reduce the air pollution that causes acid rain. heavy industries have been using new technologies for some time to help make factory smoke less harmful to the environment. But we need to do more! We can help reduce the amount of acid rain by using our cars less or by using solar power to heat our homes.
One of the features of London is the number of big stores which are a mixture of tradition and modernity. Oxford Street, Regent Street and Knightsbridge are all known for their famous stores. In London there are department stores, shopping outlets, supermarkets and corner shops. The traditional British shops are corner shops which are small shops, usually on the corner of the street, that sell mainly food and household goods. They are sweet shop, a stationer's, a greengrocer's, a butcher's, a dairy shop, a florist's, a baker's, a grocer's, fishmonger's, a confectioner's and so on. Supermarkets, have the self-service system: you walk round the shop and choose what you want. Одна из особенностей Лондона - это крупные магазины, которые представляют собой смесь традиции и современности. Оксфорд-Стрит, Риджент-Стрит и Найтсбридж все известные своей знаменитыми магазинами. В Лондоне много универмагов, торговых центров, супермаркетов и магазинчиков. Традиционные британские магазины - это угловые магазины, которые расположены, как правило, на углу улицы, и продают, в основном, продукты питания и бытовые товары. Это кондитерские магазины, магазины канцелярских товаров, рыбный, мясной, молочный магазин, цветочный магазин, пекарня, бакалейный магазин, рыбный и так далее. В супермаркетах, магазинах системы самообслуживания, вы можете прогуляться по отделам и выбрать то, что вы хотите.
Arrange to meet him at the park.
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