Well, I've got to tell you, I'm a very busy person. I spend a lot of time on my studies, because I want to excel at everything. However my diligence often keeps me from enjoying my life. It keeps me from spending time with my family and friends, walking with my dog, watching sunsets... All in all, I seldom get to experience simple things. But yesterday was amazing. Let me tell you everything in detail!
It was Sunday. Another busy week just came to an end. In the morning I woke up with the intention of doing my homework and preparing to this huge history test on Tuesday. But as soon as I got up, my little sister Jo came in. She was very excited! When I asked her what had happened, she joyfully told me that our parents were free for the weekend. She also added that we all could have a great family day. We don't have them often. I don't even remember when my mom and dad stayed home at Sunday. They usually are at some business trip or press conference. I hesitated for a while, but after a minute has passed, Jo pulled me out of my thoughts and insisted on going. Let's say I wasn't very enthusiastic about the offer. I gasped heavily and started to clean myself up.
In an hour everyone was ready. My parents, little Jo, my doggy and I took off for our country house in the woods. Thirty minutes of the ride passed quickly even though we turned off our phones. We were telling jokes and some hillarious childhood stories for half an hour.
We left our things at villa and went to play outdoor games. My dad taught Jo how to play volleyball, while mom and I were playing badminton. Then the four of us played ball for a while. When my muscles started to ache, and Archie, my doggy, which was trying to catch the ball (too big for her) all the time, was left breathless, my parents decided to get a break and have lunch. It was 1 a.m. when we finally suceeded to assemble the grill. The barbecue was cooked quickly, and our whole family, including Archie, was enjoying the meal and listening to birds singing.
Half a day passed, but we still had a lot of time left. Jo suggested going for a walk in the forest, and we agreed. Mom was showing my little sister various kinds of animals such as squirrels, hedgehoges and woodpeckers. It was funny that Jo wondered why were all of them afraid pf her when she tried to feed them. Then my dad and I started a battle with pinecones. My sister was rooting for me, but eventually dad won.
When it was about 7 a.m. we returned to our country house. After collecting a few dry branches we made a fire. Dad sang a few songs by Elvis Presley while playing the guitar. He was amazing at both playing the guitar and singing. He had a beautiful deep voice. Then, smiling, we watched the sunset in silence.
We returned to the city early in the morning. I didn't regret the time I spent with my family yesterday, though I was to spend it on studying. This day made me realise that these simple moments are the most important in everyone's lives, and that our family will always be close, no matter what.
Тьма опускается на небольшую деревню в Кении. Кения это страна в Африке. Люди, которые живут здесь, пастухи и их коровы отдыхают поблизости, в деревянном загоне для скота. Тишина. Вдруг коровы поднимают головы. Они чувствуют что-то снаружи их загона. Это львица, готова ворваться внутрь и напасть. Ее острые когти разрывают стены загона. Напуганные коровы разбегаются в разные стороны. Львица врывается через забор и мчится к ближайшей корове. Весь этот шум будит пастухов. Они бегут к загону, но слишком поздно. Одна корова мертва, и львица уже ушла. Пастухи спугнули ее и она оставила добычу. Львица возвращается у своим голодным детенышам без свежей добычи. Они преветсвуют ее и трутся о нее, но она не может остаться на долго. Она должна снова охотиться, чтоб ее детеныши не остались голодными. Пастухи ждут, что львица вернется. Потеря скота из-за львицы это большое событие для этих пастухов, так как коровы, овцы и козы, для них как деньги. Они используют животных чтобы заплатить за то, что им нужно. Если одно из них убито, то жизнь пастухов становится тяжелее.
The movie "Harry Potter and Sorcerers stone" is the first one in the big cycle of whole story about Harry. He is a very young boy here, 11 years old. This movie opens for us his wonderful world. White and black magic, kind and evil people. Here we can see for the first time his school. I like it so much! I guess creators of the movie got a very big pleasure during the making all this magic. I'd like to know how they did make dresses, things and interiors for the recording film. I know they made a lot of shots with a special green background and later computer specialists did draw beautiful buildings and landscapes. I believe this movie makes us inspirited.
Well, I've got to tell you, I'm a very busy person. I spend a lot of time on my studies, because I want to excel at everything. However my diligence often keeps me from enjoying my life. It keeps me from spending time with my family and friends, walking with my dog, watching sunsets... All in all, I seldom get to experience simple things. But yesterday was amazing. Let me tell you everything in detail!
It was Sunday. Another busy week just came to an end. In the morning I woke up with the intention of doing my homework and preparing to this huge history test on Tuesday. But as soon as I got up, my little sister Jo came in. She was very excited! When I asked her what had happened, she joyfully told me that our parents were free for the weekend. She also added that we all could have a great family day. We don't have them often. I don't even remember when my mom and dad stayed home at Sunday. They usually are at some business trip or press conference. I hesitated for a while, but after a minute has passed, Jo pulled me out of my thoughts and insisted on going. Let's say I wasn't very enthusiastic about the offer. I gasped heavily and started to clean myself up.
In an hour everyone was ready. My parents, little Jo, my doggy and I took off for our country house in the woods. Thirty minutes of the ride passed quickly even though we turned off our phones. We were telling jokes and some hillarious childhood stories for half an hour.
We left our things at villa and went to play outdoor games. My dad taught Jo how to play volleyball, while mom and I were playing badminton. Then the four of us played ball for a while. When my muscles started to ache, and Archie, my doggy, which was trying to catch the ball (too big for her) all the time, was left breathless, my parents decided to get a break and have lunch. It was 1 a.m. when we finally suceeded to assemble the grill. The barbecue was cooked quickly, and our whole family, including Archie, was enjoying the meal and listening to birds singing.
Half a day passed, but we still had a lot of time left. Jo suggested going for a walk in the forest, and we agreed. Mom was showing my little sister various kinds of animals such as squirrels, hedgehoges and woodpeckers. It was funny that Jo wondered why were all of them afraid pf her when she tried to feed them. Then my dad and I started a battle with pinecones. My sister was rooting for me, but eventually dad won.
When it was about 7 a.m. we returned to our country house. After collecting a few dry branches we made a fire. Dad sang a few songs by Elvis Presley while playing the guitar. He was amazing at both playing the guitar and singing. He had a beautiful deep voice. Then, smiling, we watched the sunset in silence.
We returned to the city early in the morning. I didn't regret the time I spent with my family yesterday, though I was to spend it on studying. This day made me realise that these simple moments are the most important in everyone's lives, and that our family will always be close, no matter what.