Сочинение со словами компьютер CD интернет мобильный телефон наушники телевизор книги журнал газета ноутбук радио. Соченение любое главное чтобы с этими словами и одыкватное
Our life changes quickly. 20 years our parents used to read newspapers, magazines, listen to the radio or watch TV. Nowadays you need to have only one device - a computer in any form. It can be a notebook, a tablet, a smartphone. You can download everything to it and read, listen to music, watch a film. It is even better if it is connected to the Internet. As you can find whatever you like on the net - films, books, songs, news. If you have earplugs, you don't interfere with anyone's privacy and can enjoy the things you like at any place. This is what I call positive progress.
If I was kidnapped by aliens, I would be very surprised, first of all. The second thing I would probably do would be trying to find the way to communicate, suitable for all of us. It could be a sign-language or something like it. Thirdly, I am a curious person, so I would be asking them about their star and the planet where they came from and their anatomical structure and even their food ration. I would certainly ask them is 'Star Wars' movies showed the real events and whether they know any Jedi. It would be a great experience, I reckon!
У русских в рационе широко распространены супы, в особенности борщи и щи. На завтрак большинство россиян едят кашу или бутерброды с чем-либо. Традиционная русская еда включает в себя: блины, супы, пельмени и пироги. Широко распространены и хлопья. Салаты русские готовят чаще по праздникам, нежели в обычные дни. Так же со времен пельменей, блинов и прочих мучных (или не полностью мучных) изделий появились вареники. В России на праздники часто готовят бутерброды с икрой. В обычные же дни русские делают это редко. Пироги русские часто делают с фруктами, ягодами или овощами. Однако, есть те, кто предпочитают начинку из яиц, семечек или мяса.
Our life changes quickly. 20 years our parents used to read newspapers, magazines, listen to the radio or watch TV. Nowadays you need to have only one device - a computer in any form. It can be a notebook, a tablet, a smartphone. You can download everything to it and read, listen to music, watch a film. It is even better if it is connected to the Internet. As you can find whatever you like on the net - films, books, songs, news. If you have earplugs, you don't interfere with anyone's privacy and can enjoy the things you like at any place. This is what I call positive progress.