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09.07.2021 03:19 •  Английский язык

Сделать предложение с словами на картинке

Сделать предложение с словами на картинке


All they do is take up space. - Все, що вони роблять, тільки займають простір.

We can take off, but landing's hard. - Ми можемо злетіти, але приземлитися набагато складніше.

Tommy says I take on too much. - Томі каже, що я беру на себе занадто багато.

She must take after her mother. - Повинно бути, вона перейняла це від матері.

Anyway, she won't turn up. - У будь-якому випадку, вона не з'явиться.

You should turn on/off the news. - Тобі варто увімкнути/вимкнути новини.

We cannot afford to turn down business. - Ми не можемо дозволити собі відмовитися від бізнесу.

And if I'd known how it would turn out. -Якби я знав, як це виявиться.

And then if you spill something... - А якщо ти перельєш на себе що-небудь...

So he brews a pot of coffee, pours a cup. - Так він заварює собі каву та наливає у чашку

All you got to do is nod. - Все що тобі потрібно - це кивнути.

You shouldn’t shake your head here - Тобі не слід трясти головою тут.

Couldn't raise anyone - Ніхто не зміг підняти.

She rise instead of going down. - Вона збільшилася, а повинна бути трохи нижче.

I had to run for my life. - Мені довелося бігти, щоб вижити

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Aunt Polly calls Tom. The boy was in the closet, where he secretly ate jam from his aunt. The woman wanted to flog her nephew, but he managed to escape. At dinner Sid noticed that Tom's collar was sewn not with white, but with black thread. And aunt Polly realized that he had gone to the river instead of school.

Tom met a strange boy in a smart hat and a smart suit. Sawyer didn't like the look of the stranger, and he started a fight. Tom won and made the stranger beg for mercy.

Seeing how his nephew got dirty after a fight, aunt Polly firmly decided to "replace his Saturday rest hard work."

2 глава

Aunt Polly made Tom whitewash the fence. Most Sawyer was afraid of the ridicule of other boys, but then figured out: Tom pretended that whitewash brings him real pleasure. The other boys saw it, gave Sawyer his "treasures" (a kite, a dead rat, balls, etc.), but he gave them also a bit of a whitewash. "By mid-day Tom became a rich man." The fence was covered with lime in three layers.

3 глава

Seeing the finished work, Aunt Polly was surprised and gave Tom an Apple.

Passing by Jeff Thatcher's house, Tom saw a strange girl in the garden – "a lovely blue-eyed creature." He instantly forgot about his previous girlfriend, Amy Lawrence.

At dinner Sid breaks the sugar bowl, but aunt Polly, not understanding, punishes Tom. Sawyer was very offended and imagined how the woman would suffer if he died.

4 глава

In the morning Tom, Sid and their sister Mary went to Sunday school, which Sawyer "hated with all his heart." In school the children for the lessons learned were rewarded with tickets of various colors that can be had in the end to exchange for a Bible.

Lawyer Thatcher appeared in the Church, accompanied by his brother, the district judge, and his family. With them was and the kind girl, which liked The. The teacher Mr. Walters in order to impress the gentlemen, it was necessary to give the premium the Bible, but a sufficient number of tickets was only Tom (which he traded for the other guys). "Walters never expected Tom to demand the Bible — at least for the next ten years," but he did reward the boy.

5 глава

Started the morning sermon, during which Tom caught a fly flew in, but my aunt was forced to release it. Then Sawyer took out his treasure – the beetle. A poodle ran into the Church. Seeing the beetle, the dog began to play with it, than amused not only Tom, but the rest of the parishioners.

остальные четыре главы я писать не буду. И этого вполне достаточно

4,7(84 оценок)


Aunt Polly calls Tom. The boy was in the closet, where he secretly ate jam from his aunt. The woman wanted to flog her nephew, but he managed to escape. At dinner Sid noticed that Tom's collar was sewn not with white, but with black thread. And aunt Polly realized that he had gone to the river instead of school.

Tom met a strange boy in a smart hat and a smart suit. Sawyer didn't like the look of the stranger, and he started a fight. Tom won and made the stranger beg for mercy.

Seeing how his nephew got dirty after a fight, aunt Polly firmly decided to "replace his Saturday rest hard work."

2 глава

Aunt Polly made Tom whitewash the fence. Most Sawyer was afraid of the ridicule of other boys, but then figured out: Tom pretended that whitewash brings him real pleasure. The other boys saw it, gave Sawyer his "treasures" (a kite, a dead rat, balls, etc.), but he gave them also a bit of a whitewash. "By mid-day Tom became a rich man." The fence was covered with lime in three layers.

3 глава

Seeing the finished work, Aunt Polly was surprised and gave Tom an Apple.

Passing by Jeff Thatcher's house, Tom saw a strange girl in the garden – "a lovely blue-eyed creature." He instantly forgot about his previous girlfriend, Amy Lawrence.

At dinner Sid breaks the sugar bowl, but aunt Polly, not understanding, punishes Tom. Sawyer was very offended and imagined how the woman would suffer if he died.

4 глава

In the morning Tom, Sid and their sister Mary went to Sunday school, which Sawyer "hated with all his heart." In school the children for the lessons learned were rewarded with tickets of various colors that can be had in the end to exchange for a Bible.

Lawyer Thatcher appeared in the Church, accompanied by his brother, the district judge, and his family. With them was and the kind girl, which liked The. The teacher Mr. Walters in order to impress the gentlemen, it was necessary to give the premium the Bible, but a sufficient number of tickets was only Tom (which he traded for the other guys). "Walters never expected Tom to demand the Bible — at least for the next ten years," but he did reward the boy.

5 глава

Started the morning sermon, during which Tom caught a fly flew in, but my aunt was forced to release it. Then Sawyer took out his treasure – the beetle. A poodle ran into the Church. Seeing the beetle, the dog began to play with it, than amused not only Tom, but the rest of the parishioners.

остальные четыре главы я писать не буду. И этого вполне достаточно

4,6(65 оценок)
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